Oh white people. Don’t go changin.
Thank God for Saddam Hussein.
LOL professional football fans. Get over it “12s”
Except for the “yub nub” ending in ROTJ.
Team color turbans. That’s hardcore.
They were saying “boo-urns”.
Well, time for a good video alternative. So long Youtube. We had some good times.
Will buy the future Taylor Swift single “Happy Ending” a thousand times on iTunes.
One word: muppets
“Day by day.”
It’s the equivelant to drawing Texas.
I still want to watch the world burn.
Well, we better treat everything as a sign otherwise there is a slight possibity we could miss the intentional cues. And that does happen all too often.
American components, Russian Components, ALL MADE IN TAIWAN!
Woops, put this in the wrong place. Someone put this in the right kinja deal article please.
Woops, put this in the wrong place. Someone put this in the right kinja deal article please.
50 Dollars off Anova Sous Vide Precision Cooker:
50 Dollars off Anova Sous Vide Precision Cooker:
I sense the Roku 4
I sense the Roku 4