Bet someone won't heed the "Exit Only" warning sign, they get hurt, lawsuit, ????, profit.
Bet someone won't heed the "Exit Only" warning sign, they get hurt, lawsuit, ????, profit.
That does it. I'll never watch Tron Legacy. Ever.
Fly Fatass! Fly!!!!!
For the rugged and S&M
Japanese are the most bipolar culture I've ever encountered. Serious business one minute...then this the next.
I hope they all RROD on him. Bastage.
I thought this was hilarious. Lighten up Francis.
@kwahhn: nm, scroll down a bit kwahhn
Top Secret Pinto scene?
Oooh, I'll be on the look for Peter King on Wikileaks. Must be some good stuff on him.
What could go wrong.
@Cribbage Left: And I think I'm done with the internet today. Thank you.
Oh, Gizmodo, please take that pic of Yoko down. I find it...unpleasant.
I give this announcement 2 out of 5 mehs.
iPhone 5s. I'm calling it.
Let's see. Which gun will go with my slacks.
@KamWrex: Sinking ice in GI Joe. WTF!?
I want a 2001 monolith tombstone, complete with monkey statues at the base.
I'm gonna be singing that damn jingle all day now. thanks