Kent Slaymaker

You forgot to say you have plenty of bi and gay friends.

But it’s just personal chooooice!

Yeah, we need a different option. This 2 party BS is killing us all.

I’ve spent the past 24 hours arguing with my well heeled, Liberal friends that we sold out the Dreamers for nothing. That we ALWAYS sell out brown folks when it’s convenient. That MAYBE we have a moral imperative to do better.

“Please convince Democrats to help pass the new budget so we can resume paying our troops their shitty wages, which often average less than minimum wage for the hours they work, while continuing to subject them to prolonged tours that have devastating effects on their families and their own mental health, before we

A poll released Thursday showed a free fall in other nations’ approval of American leadership, with such approval down 18 points to a historical low of 30 percent.

I turned to Mrs Dollars and showed her the headline and said “How is it so many of us still need to be sat down like children?” and without missing a beat shes like “Because like 80% of yall are rapists”

Republicans spin is based on complete fiction.

If it had ever had a soul, he wouldn’t be President at all. All those virtues we like to imagine America has have come on the backs and at the expense of indigenous people and by exploiting African Americans. Our values are expansion and hegemony at any cost. There is no soul. It’s a lie we tell ourselves so we can

I agree, and I was living in the Bay Area when the Syrian Crisis, Assad gassing whole suburbs thing was happening...

That’s the risk, isn’t it? Becki always “didn’t mean anything by it.”

the proposition that a person is racist simply because they are white, is nonsense.

I am a white person in the South, and I can attest to how many whites don’t think that country-club-type racial division (whites as members, nonwhites serving them) is racist at all.

President Trump after your recently reported comments on Africa, are you concerned that the Black Panther movement is gaining traction in Wakanda?

It feeds into the view that black folks are their lessers. Most of them to this fucking day don’t understand why black folks aren’t happy doing the menial grunt work that they did way back when, or don’t find the idea of cooking and serving meals to their betters not only appealing, but something to shoot for, to know

Try not to let it get out that more people will be forced to rely on emergency care because you can’t turn away emergencies, but then emergency care always costs more than prevention, so in the end, you end up having greater costs.

The cynical among us may even surmise that states are doing this to get folks off their medical roles and save money.

Professor on the First Day: I didn’t prepare a lesson plan... let’s just review the responses to this class’ existence.

Damn. You fucking nailed it