Kent Slaymaker
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Wait no more : here is the Ken Burns Captain America : Civil War documentary

I’m really looking forward to the 5 part Ken Burns documentary about this civil war.

Chiwetel Ejiofor was absolutely the best part of the Serenity movie.

What I'm kinda hoping is that Marvel doesn't use Peter Parker but Miles instead... That way Sony can keep Pete and Marvel can have their Spidey... maybe even call him something diff like Scarlet Spider?

It's all cheating, that's the idea.

My wife has, on occasion, asked me why, why in the world I drag around hundreds of movies, and thousands of books. I told her the real reason once......because I want the knowledge I collected to survive.

This is an issue close to my heart and my business. I am an artisan cheesemaker in the US and have certainly noticed the difference in our regularly available milk.