Kent Slaymaker

Why not both ?

It involves Florida

“Up to” a year in jail. That would be left up to the sentencing judge. They will typically only give out the maximum sentence if there is a reason to.

If the Health Department tells her to stop and get a permit and she complies, she won’t be in trouble at all.
If she keeps selling from a non-inspected facility, she

I am a bi male. I typically have long, hippie hair. But if I cut it short, I pass for a bro (to my own chagrin).

My $2,000 sales resistance seminar was also well attended. Lesson 1: none of you should be here.

Now playing

Wait no more : here is the Ken Burns Captain America : Civil War documentary

The most ironic part of this is that Cary Arsaga is a guy and the article keeps using “she” to describe him.

Neither of the sexes has a monopoly on panic or calm. I (a male) was a wilderness rescuer for a few years. I saw no connection between sex and ability to handle an emergency, anyone who is panicking is useless.

Thanks for the review. I was thinking about setting it, but I'll just watch Fried Green Tomatoes again instead.

As with some of the other stories here, this one takes place in my post divorce slutty phase. Home for the holidays and got together with one of my Mom’s best friends (she is my age, not my mom’s age, not that there is anything wrong with that ). We had always been into each other.

another reason to love adblock

And they are called... "The Silence"

Having grown up in the south, I just don't get the big deal. These "I remember having a tick once" stories crack me up. I don't remember a summer without multiple ticks. Hell, you could have a dozen on you after walking across a field. Got a tick? Pull it out. Its a single step process.