Sorry, Luke, but I think your short accuracy rating is going to have to take a hit for that mistake.
Sorry, Luke, but I think your short accuracy rating is going to have to take a hit for that mistake.
That’s a nice goal and everything, but it doesn’t move him any closer to winning the MLS scoring title and that’s what really matters to the USMNT.
Assuming that your teammates are trying to help you, then the NBA is the least impossible. If it’s a real game with actual implications beyond your $1M, then, yeah, you’re never going to touch the ball (why are you even on the court though?).
Well said. City absolutely deserved that win and Spurs also deserved the draw that they got in the end. I can’t believe that the possession came out as close as it did because it always felt like City had the ball.
It’s a genuinely sad way to end the Warriors’ time in Oakland. It’s too bad they decided to adopt Silicon Valley’s mantra of “move fast and break things” at just the wrong time.
As a Spurs fan, this pisses me off. I’m a big fan of Arsenal losing, but how can anyone root for that now? To not have a key player in the final just because UEFA couldn’t be bothered to care about all their players and all their member countries is unconscionable. Crap. I like your idea of protesting (because then…
I came back from teaching and checked the score. Thought, ugh, typical Spurs being Spursy. As office hours were winding down, I decided I should at least watch the last thirty minutes because who knows when they’ll get back to a Champions League semifinal and then.... Oh My God! Moura! COYS!!
After years of (pre-big 6) support, I am so accustomed to Spurs screwing it up at the end that I literally did not believe the goal had gone in. I thought Moura had somehow managed to miss it wide because that would just be so much more fitting. Then they all started celebrating and I looked at the goal again and…
I was so thankful that it wasn’t about her subpar voice acting. Thank you for calling out Rousey and MK11 for the vile, hurtful, crap she’s posted and said.
I’ve been playing since Civ made you answer challenge questions from the manual to prove you bought the game and I think this is the expansion I’ve anticipated most. Thanks for your review.
Can you blame him? He was probably unprepared and flabbergasted that the Patriots actually won a game that NOBODY believed they could win.
The drawing of the tree fits the OED’s 9a definition for stick up. I think Husker fans would have found a drawing fitting 3b or 8 substantially more offensive.
Damn it! He really was allergic to crunchy.
You won’t believe this One Simple Trick for missing the Joke!
Yes. It’s great that more fans are coming on board and to the games. But, unfortunately, it’s also not unusual to see them fill their stadium with rivers of literal shit.
So, no getting hit by a car then?
If you compute it without taxes but with Spanish prison time, what does it look like?
That is a beautiful car. I’d take the wagon, of course, but it looks like neither of them have a rear seat large enough for rear-facing carseats and a tall driver. Oh well. I hope the 2019s will be good CPO options in (does math) 202... (does math of cost of putting kids through college) 2047!
Exactly. I think it’s also crucial to revamp the training staff and their meal planning so that the next wave of Sixers are sustained entirely by the rich amino compounds and perfect nutritional balance that can only be gained from eating Irish children.
I think you mean gave up a walk before Hanley Ramirez grounded into a fielder’s choice.