
Are you saying that one of the GMs is going to get a five finger discount when they take this guy?

And yet, the HOF itself disagrees with this point. The various non-BBWA committees have admitted / elected players—thereby making them by definition “great enough to be in the HOF”—who were also exactly always in the position you claim they could never be in.

Enough writers always left Jack Morris and Alan Trammell

Thanks. That was a really thoughtful response.

Damn, I was hoping the trifecta paid a bowl of Milk and Honey Original Cafe Mix because I still have never seen a box of that in the wild. I’ll take the bus though.

See, there’s a good pun and some effort. +1

To get it out of the way, particularly as I’m a Spurs fan, yes, Haisley suuuucccckkkkksss.

I think we’ll disagree on “humorless” and “doesn’t find a tired borderline racist joke that’s been circulating for fifty years particularly funny.”

These are the kinds of fresh, inventive, and super edgy comments that really make Deadspin such an amazing place.

Bill Simmons created blogs exactly the same way that Daneil Larusso created karate. And he introduced pop culture into sports blogs just like Teen Wolf introduced werewolves into popular cinema.

Woah. Just. Woah.

I admit, I made a mistake in trying to engage an obvious troll by suggesting some pedagogical alternatives. The questions I suggested weren’t what whites think, but what they thought. This gets at the historically important question of how they justified the massive evil that was chattel slavery. I

Name three reasons that slaveowners and non-slaveowning whites supported slavery? Name three ways that slaveowning and/or non-slaveowning whites benefited from slavery? These are questions that get at the historical context and justifications for the horror of chattel slavery in the Americas.

To put it closer to grade

It’s the polite thing to do, eh?

Sure, if enough people in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan decide that they prefer referring to Dallas as “xiaoniu” then that’ll remain common despite what Cuban wants...unless the Mavericks start messing with reporters and broadcasters who continue to use the old translation (if I recall the Devil Rays did some modest

I like to imagine these are all from the same middle manager stuck in meetings at Exxon.

Yeah, it certainly could have worked that way. I don’t know that there was a need to fool the audience, but it seemed like that’s what Johnson did / wanted to do. For me, it seemed more tied to the subverting of expectations than making a point about gender dynamics or command structures. Poe—who we know if a bad ass

All of the clips show only two dribbles between receiving the pass and taking the shot. There are, as you note, other basketball moves beyond the dribbles here that draw the assistness of the assists into question. I don’t know where I learned the two dribbles rule or guideline, sometime in high school probably, but

Props to Bill Livingston (Cleveland Plain Dealer) for “abstaining” from every other player but voting for Thome and Vizquel. Come on, Bill, Chipper is an obvious Hall of Famer and he played for a team with an even more racist logo, mascot, and chant.

In retrospect, I think we can all see ESPN letting Simmons walk as the start of a Goose/Maverick Tailspin and this departure seems like it’s the Guillotine.

I stand by my “Excellent review” comment, though I guess this is also, perhaps, more in line with a critical analysis than a review. FWIW, I don’t think Ackbar would have been as effective as Holdo in both the sacrifice—it’s cool to see a non-legend do something legendary—and, as you say, in Johnson’s goal of fooling

Excellent review. Do you see Holdo as a master who fails as well? Or is Poe a failed idol?

At $400 Million in debt, this is way deeper than Jeter has ever been in the hole . . . on the field anyway.

Well, only one of those teams has been relegated in recent memory, but of course Juventus is still a historical powerhouse.