As a former Whalers season ticket holder and someone who has their tickets to the playoff games that never were (after we lost that ‘92 post-season opener) framed in his office, I will just politely say:
As a former Whalers season ticket holder and someone who has their tickets to the playoff games that never were (after we lost that ‘92 post-season opener) framed in his office, I will just politely say:
I’ve got fond memories of going to Whalers games in high school. We’d buy the nose-bleediest seats in that shithole arena, knowing full well we’d be able to slowly sneak down to good seats by the middle of the second period. We were too young to buy beer but not too young to laugh as some drunk schmuck would throw…
Such shit. I had money on this. I had the lads from Tofflesburymumblyton covering the spread.
Ooooh see now youve fucked up. I agreed with everything you said until the hoagie part. I am a born and bred Northeast Baby and nowhere and I say nowhere does anybody call it sub. And thats that on that on that
In New England, it’s a grindah!
Yup “grinders” and “package stores” (liquor store). If you make the mistake of saying either of those words in New York people look at you weird even though you could literally walk to Connecticut from here if need be.
In my experience, New Englanders do not call it a hoagie. They call it a grinder.
Got some bad news for you, buddy. Foo Fighters was Dad Rock the moment it was created.
Even if you had a written contract, it’s a civil matter. It’s (generally) not a crime to default on a debt. That goes back to the Constitutional protection against debtors’ prisons.
It’s the matchup that Trump’s America deserves.
After being kicked in the face a hundred times while he perfected this in practice, you can understand their lack of enthusiasm.
Two or three bowls.
True Pats fans right now are torn between whether to blame ESPN or Roger Goodell for this latest unfair outrage. Whatever the eventual response, I’m sure it will contain the phrase “haters.”
You spelled Woostah wrong
What the hell is pop? Where I am from we call it Carbev, short for carbonated beverage.
If the conversation involved the Patriots, then it’s not a privileged conversation. Just stop acting like you know what you’re talking about when you don’t, particularly if you are accusing someone of an ethical violation.
Yes, he is.
Uhh...maybe don’t mention “home planet” to Leia.