Yeah, suuuuper frustrating future plot service there.
Yeah, suuuuper frustrating future plot service there.
Yeah, if there’s any time to handwave Oliver’s No Kill backsliding, it’s killin’ motherfucking Nazi’s, right up to his own mirror image.
And those badges are rooted in history. Glad to see DCCW at least gave us a glimps of what shitbags Nazi’s were, and are. Major props to Paul Blackthorne’s chilling doppelganger turn as an SS officer spewing both homophobia (he murdered his own LGBTQ daughter!) and anti-Semitism (“Jewess” ugh) to illustrate how truly…
Seriously folks, no EarthX doppelganger Barry Allen? I think DCCW really missed an opportunity to give Grant Gustin a Hitler Youth haircut and ape Richard Spencer only to have Mick Rory suckerpunch him.
Ah, I’m not sure. I wish Berlanti was a Bruce Timm / Paul Dini - level showrunner, incl giving these supervillains personalities and names.
I don’t understand why it wasn’t an Nazi speedster supergenius Harrison Wells with a German accent. Totally divorced from any Earth1 Barry Allen shenanigans, but still evil as fuuuuuuck. It’s not like it wouldn’t be yet another awesome Tom Cavanagh performance.
I was disappointed they went with Thawne again, instead of a totally batshit insane version of Harrison Wells speedster supergenius as Josef Mengel-esque SuperNazi. I get that the doppelgangers are Nazi-Americans, but DCCW totally missed the opportunity to have Tom Cavanagh chew scenery with a droll German accent.
I’ll forward your note to the DCCW writers’ room.
I can’t even remember Oliver’s current stance on “No Kill” at the moment. I can’t even count the number of times he’s broken that, even outside season-long hand-wringing over al Ghul / Darhk, considering the number of faceless henchmen he’s wasted.
Arrow writers consistently disappoint me when they make Diggle do stupid shit totally antithetical to every other second he’s been onscreen. If anything, I wish all DCCW writer rooms had huge “NO MORE MANUFACTURED DRAMA FROM UNNECESSARILY KEPT SECRETS” signs on their walls. Esp when Team Flash / Team Arrow / the…
Richard Dragon training / deploying a gauntlet of wacky martial arts henchmen throughout the season at Team Arrow would be pretty great.
I feel like the Shado “ghost” periodically visiting Oliver and Slade both over the years kinda makes her a superhuman character of her own. Even though I totally realize that both versions of ghost Shado are manifestations of their respective imaginations / guilt.
Funny story: I’m no longer able to comment on Arrow’s fb page for posting my comment on that episode w/ Felicity’s mobility chip asking creators if Ollie would make that tech Open Source, beginning his official transformation to comic book Bleeding Heart Liberal (and, you know, Humanitarian) Oliver Queen.
Bullet wound blood spraying from silhouetted bodies into the random warehouse flood lights. Watching Oliver kill like a dozen henchmen mooks tonight, I struggled to remember his current “No Kill” position, but it’s been violated so many times now I couldn’t get it straight.
Not detracting from the well-deserved moments of empowered women in this episode (overlooking that gross “I’m into older men” from Hetty Lamar - I know it’s a part of her marriage histroy, but it literally felt like Kreisberg’s input esp considerig this week), props to Legends for adding another pieta homage:
It was a joke. Nate’s Season2 exposition dumps leaned way more heavily into his Historian background. Now he’s more of a meathead stoner bro, which isn’t a bad thing for this team dynamic.
I also like that the show doesn’t give a fuck about Nate’s History PhD anymore.