
Snap Necksley.

Yes, that explains what the audience sees. I was just asking if the film would take the time to possibly explain how we’d see it.

Is it hard keeping up to jab every person who asks logical questions about genre films? I have a healthy suspension of disbelief, esp since I enjoy scifi / fantasy / horror / suspense / superhero antics. I also occasionally ask specific questions about logic / physics / plot dynamics even in spite of said suspension

Considering the relative lack of light penetration past 200M (on average), what cheats will they use? Bioluminsescence? Lava?

Same question for wide vistas even close to the surface, considering how everything tends to turn into a blue wall under after a few hundred yards, even in water that appears clear from

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I took it as a shout-out to elderly CBS fans that may have followed Kara over to the CW.

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It’s Gamora’s eye shadow. Advanced civilizations producing starships & assassin cybernetics probably got makeup down pat during their respective Industrial Age.

She’s got another shade of eye shadow in the first film.

+1 Joe Stabit.

^ also Aquaman is so ... Aquaman that DC execs are hopefully hands-off thinking it’ll break even at best - so Wan can hopefully make the film his own vs. whatever in the living fuck DCEU’s vision is.

Are you cool with a film featuring an adult killer / spec ops agent / superhero lead that has a flashback to their experimentation / physical abuse as a child?

Quick Forager plug for Jim Starlin / Mike Mignola’s excellent Cosmic Odyssey, featuring a teamup w/ surprisingly empathetic Batman. Delves lightly into the overt racism that the New Gods lord over New Genesis’ indigenous people (also John Steward accidentally kills an entire planet / Orion goes on a little genocidal

I suggest your watch Haute Tension.

“The thing I dug about Zombie’s first Halloween was just the absolute brutality of Michael Myers. The kills were grizzly and just...almost animalistic.”

That’s because Zombie uses shaky cam to cover up his deficiencies from pacing to tension to payoff with a scare. I say this as someone who absolutely wants to like

I put a good deal of trust in Noah Hawley. Fargo has been consistently strong for both seasons. And his emphasis on character > superpowers in Legion is promising.

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God Dammit. Now I want the stinger to be John Barrowman’s Merlyn performing a Sinatra cover, dancing all around Frank’s Star as Reverse Flash superspeed manipulates an entire crowd of Hollywood tourists to dance a glorious kaleidoscope Berkeley Busby homage. All whilst Darkh sulks by a panhandler pestering him for

... wouldn’t decades of leading clone battalions, and later stormtrooper battalions ,make Vader the better chess strategist? Or does a water farmer apprenticeship w/ sides of womprat hunting make you the Kasparov of board games? Either way, prepare for Imperial domination.

Yeah, Haggar / Zarkon’s dynamic is pretty interesting. When Z impetuously decides to pursue Black Lion vs. the guaranteed capture of Allura in the eye of the mega-storm, you can feel Haggar’s frustration at his refusal to win the War vs. just get his prized weapon back. The next episode w/ Zarkon literally draining

Oh shit! Great catch! I totally didn’t recognize Jim Lee’s workwith out his signature 20k cross-hatches per square inch! (and cause Dan Green is a Fucking Professional)