Oh, so you didn’t see the “Galt Monorail, LLC” labels in the trailer.
“You think this red tracksuit was a mistake?!?” - Other Barry
Oh, like maybe Future Barry just fucked up b/c he didn’t know about his mom’s murder. He was all like “Present Barry. Bro. Bro. I got this. I’ll save Past Barry. Have a pina colada.” Then Nora Allen gets murdered.
Maybe it was the first time Future Barry ever saw Present Barry at this particular moment - and was like, “Uh-oh, I know what I’m up to. Don’t do it, Bro. Just hide over there and listen to your mother get stabbed, then after the badguy leaves take your superhero mask off and tell her how well you and your father…
Oooh, and then they could recreate one of the best Justice League episodes ever!
Yeah, if the show could pull this one off, the internet may just shit itself to death. Bring on the alternate timelines! Bring on Johnny Quick, future ice-amputee!
Isn’t the entire show an alternate timeline / reality, since Eobard Thawne went back and killed Barry’s mom etc in the first place?
I want to agree. Is his normal “get up” animation different?
Why does DC need to make Superman a fucking crossfit bro? I get the depowering, but t-shirt and jeans? It wasn’t cool w/ new 52, isn’t cool w/ convergence. Dude’s probably wearing Vibram 5-fingers as well. Goddamit.
Yeah, you thought Felicity’s awe / jealousy at Sarah Lance’s Salmon Ladder workout was something? Wait til Iris watches Kara flip a bank truck with one hand.
I’ve been occasionally commenting Grant Gustin’s instagram, requesting every villain / teamup actor has to film an actual footrace against him IRL & posted on IG.
Also referenced in one of the most amazing monologues committed to media:
I don’t know the character well enough beyond the MCU stuff (incl wonderful Dottie Underwood). But, I’m sure there are people who do, and it would have been nice if io9 had chosen any of the BW ideas from said previous article to add to this list.
Anything Black Widow?
You know, esp since Gawker Media takes all the time to express why BW / Marvel Women characters are crapped on by MCU, yet this article still fails to offer even one hypothetical Marvel Women small story in this list ^.
(I do understand that Black Widow: Origins was at least pitched in the…
Hawkeye / DareDevil: Hells Kitchen Heroes for Hire
(written by Matt Fraction, w/ at least one Pizza Dog episode per season)
Matt Fraction’s Daredevil / Hawkeye: Hells Kitchen Neighbors ... ?
“Sara Lance will return to this world through the sheer power of my moxy.”
He already got his one.
... maybe proof that Iris wears wool socks in cold weather?