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I think you mean Triple H and the Pomeranian:

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Willem DeFoe's Count Orlock deserves a special mention:

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Be sure to watch Jim Jarmusch's Only Lovers Left Alive!

Armand, purely for cooking Claudia / Madeleine in the sun chamber, in order to prevent cockblocking his moves on Louis.

Jediathium - The Council are notorious dicks about their tech patents. Hence Mel Brooks' production problems:

How enjoyable would SW be without lightsabers? How many movie tickets would it have sold without lightsabers in the trailer? Nearly every piece of Jedi / Sith imagery in Media has the lightsabers. It's iconic to the franchise. It is a part of the basic premise.

When I was a kid in the 80's watching the Trilogy for the first time, I didn't have the internet, or any of the massive number of books written to science-up SW (as you most likely did not at the time as well). I just knew about Lasers from Sci-Fi, and saw these awesome lightsabers. I knew what they were called.

The article above isn't about Documentaries, though. It's about flaws that would interrupt your enjoyment of a certain sci-fi/fantasy property. My first thought as a child when watching SW was "why don't the lasers stop"?

Oh, cool then. I can't wait for all those exciting Star Wars Episode 7/8/9 / Clone Wars / Rebels trailers that will sell the Hell out of their respective films / series without Lightsabers.

Perhaps you'd like to reread the article above. I'll stay here just fine. This was posted in all good fun. Get over yourself.

That was the joke.

What projects the reflector, and what stabilizes it against such intense forces?

It was a joke. Learn to take a joke.

RL, being one with Plasma Swords constructed from a specially selected gem that's cut by people with no physics / gemology training, who are guided by mystical bacteria in the air, correct?

I'm just running w/ the theme of this article.

So Force-Wielders > Jewelers / Geologists / Laser Physicists. Got it.

Lucas described it as a laser sword in the script. A 1970's no-internet havin' Lucas, but still.

So there's a reflector that never gets shown in any of the films at the end of these swords?