
You want comedy? Okay then…

My nitpick with this scene is the fact that the algorithm has to be written on the window rather than a piece of paper. That has to be one of the biggest cinematic cliches for any film involving equations.

That and The Last of the Mohicans are my two favourite Michael Mann films, and both are quite removed from what he usually does.

Which also provided the inspiration for this pre Facebook, early noughties classic website… http://www.ratemypoo.com

Exactly what I was going to say. As I understand it, his original script involved a whole bunch of Sorkinesque monologue's/conversations, which Fincher then cut/edited/directed into something much, much better. Most of the credit should go to Fincher not Sorkin.

The people in that Rusted Root video seem truly unbearable, but a small part of me would really like to know what it's like to feel that sort of enthusiastic, uncynical, unbridled and totally unembarrassed joy without the aid of booze/drugs. I had it as a kid, so where did it all go? I'm just hoping that they're

I'd say books are a little tricky.

Listening to music while driving is definitely enhanced when you're really drunk/high.

The only correct answer to this question is that everything is enhanced, except for literature, for which you have to be stone cold sober.

This is not nepipe.

I'll bring my epipen along to the cinema just in case I get an adverse reaction.

Fair enough… I guess my point is aimed more squarely at books, where I think future readers will suffer from a lack of random browsing. I love going to people's homes and looking through their collections, finding stuff that interests me, or, as Cigarette says below, silently judging them for their lack of taste.

Ah, but when you come to my home for a dinner party you can listen to them on my 'Atmosphere' playlist.

Either way, the repeat business can't be great.

I'm fairly sure that losing the physical side of music, and books for that matter, will have a long term impact on what future generations listen to and read. You can't just go to a bookshelf or cd rack in someone's house and while away the time flicking through stuff, chance upon something completely random because

I can't think of a better opportunity to tell my favourite joke:

I see your Matt Boner and I raise you Fat Boner! Good job he isn't a teacher. Even a dim-witted child like me could have spun gold with this sort of material.

I'm gluten intolerant, but I ain't afraid of no toast.

Not sure why they rebranded. I always preferred Classic Mexico.

Sugar, eggs, condensed milk, vanilla… I love it when a flan comes together.