
correction or erection?

FFS Jo Deb, can you please pull your finger out and find out if both of Andrew Garfield and Aaron Taylor-Johnson's parents are Jewish? The world needs to know.

Seconded… Mad Men was a real killer in that respect.

Just to follow on from your, and William Hughes's, McDonalds story: you know how people often store their chips (fries) in the upturned lid of their burger box? I invented that.

I was inspired by the other 'The Room', which reminds me, I'd better check on the basement.

All the President's men inspired me to become a journalist, though the fact that I'm posting on here will give you a clue as to whether I'm as diligent as Woodward & Bernstein.

What about 'Man getting hit by football'?

Why did the baker have smelly hands?

The "I will drink too much tonight" sub-thread.

Coffee & TV - Blur
Famous Blue Raincoat - Leonard Cohen
Sports & Wine - Ben Folds Five
Nightswimming - REM
Player's Ball - Outkast
Olsen Olsen - Sigur Ros

Watching the third series of the Bridge at the moment. Didn't know how they'd manage it after season 2, but… Brilliant… Saga Noren really is one of the finest fictional detectives.

Come on… Fortitude was pretty poor.

Petered out? They cut off Anne Boleyn's head at the end! (spoilers, in case you weren't paying attention in class).

I'm also a Pratchett Johnny come lately (although I did read Truckers when I was a child). It's a shame that it took his death to finally force myself to getting around to reading his Discworld books. I'm reading them in the order they were published, so have read The Colour of Magic and the Lite Fantastic this year.

I thought the old lady whispering hush was quite creepy, but I don't think the book really developed her character enough.

Great book, although it suffered a bit from the fact that Lewis clearly didn't have access to John Paulson, who made the most out of shorting the market. He was covered in The Greatest Trade Ever by Gregory Zuckerman, which is just as good as the Big Short.

This one is actually happening: His Dark Materials redone on the BBC… as it should be.

Or twin sisters with a Lannister like approach to inter-family relationships….

Fetal matter in the beard has always been my problem, but then again I'm an obstetrician.

Charlotte Church disagrees