
Or when an actress is labelled “nuts” or “difficult”. Who made them nuts? What are they being difficult about? That part we never get told.

I thought about 54 when Salma came forward with her stories about Weinstein, particularly when he responded to them. There’s an interesting workprint cut of 54 going around where Ryan Phillippe’s character is openly bisexual and has nude scenes. Harvey insisted those be cut. Said it would make the film

It’s gotten so that anytime I see an actress that falls into the category of “What ever happened to her?” I wonder if Harvey happened.

I think about some of these young stars that killed themselves, or perhaps overdosed young and were tsk tsk tsked as victims of their fame...I often wonder if they were possibly someone else’s victims, too.

Standing ovation.

I agree. It’s inappropriate to, in your apology, ask the victim of your behavior to help make you feel better. His recovery is on him; it’s certainly not Ganz’s responsibility to fix him. She couldn’t even if she wanted to.

Aaaaaand I’m going to go watch that Britney video again. It’s truly a good video and song. I’m not lying. And Mr. Dorff does some first-rate haggard-90's acting in it too.

or someone else with enough pull in the industry

Me as well. I was watching “54" yesterday (don’t judge please: I was home with a cold and needed some entertainment). Salma Hayek’s in it; when I saw the Weinstein brothers as EPs, I wondered where in the timeline of his awful treatment of Hayak this film fell.

“I would feel a lot of relief if you told me there was a way to fix it”

It’s gotten so that anytime I see an actress that falls into the category of “What ever happened to her?” I wonder if Harvey happened.

Still waiting to hear from Gretchen Mol. (She doesn’t owe us or anyone her story but I bet she’s got a few tales she could tell)

Mira Sorvino was definitely one of those actors. I thought that she was excellent in The Replacement Killers. Then she seemed to vanish. At the time, I’d assumed that she was just making movies that I didn’t watch.

Harvey or the dozens of abusers that we haven’t heard of yet. Funny how the “where are they now?” lists are rarely about male actors.

And you’re probably not off-base with a lot of them! So many careers destroyed, both fledgling and before they even started...

Writing a prompt “fuck off” on a post-it to this whole “hair cloud” fad attempt.

I had totally forgotten some of the worst sexism that I ever experienced in an office until this comment. (In fairness, it is not bad compared to most things, but it made me absolutely furious at the time.) The worst part IMHO - it was another woman.

I worked with a woman who’s manager had 4 direct report supervisors, 3 male. Of course this manager asked her to get a birthday cake. She went to the most expensive bakery in town and charged a ridiculously expensive cake, bought fancy plates and forks at Hallmark and never got asked to do it again.

And making the coffee, organizing the holiday decorations, the goodbye parties...

And don’t forget the coffee, Brenda!