
If only he had a platform to tell his side of the story, perhaps in a wispy nostalgic tone, while taking loud breaths into a microphone.

Good. His schtick is fucking insufferable, anyway.

“It’s been a gropey week here in Lake Wobegon...”

“a story that I think is more interesting and more complicated than the version MPR heard.”

If you guessed “hyperventilating at his attorney’s office” you win a tee shirt!

We all knew he was in Rio somewhere but now we’re about to find out exactly where...

Oh, Bobby... Bravo for using Tess McGill and Working Girl as a shinning example. YOU JUST WON AL THE INTERNETS!

And to think, I’ve gotten through almost 40 years of life without pinching a woman’s ass a single time.

Remember in Working Girl how Melanie Griffith is so good at her job because she looks to both highbrow sources (like W) and lowbrow sources (like The New YorkPost) for relevant industry details? Just something to think about.

Katie Couric: “He pinches me on the ass a lot.”

A+ reference


So is (whatever state you live in.)

Shout-out to Ann Curry!!! I hope you are celebrating wherever you are, hon.

Excuse, Madison is a progressive bastion thank you very much.

I offer the city of Milwaukee and a few of its inner suburbs as a defense. We didn’t vote for this dipshit, we tried to recall him, and we suffer from his horrible policies more than anyone, but it’s a nice, affordable, midsize city on a beautiful great lake with a vibrant arts and food scene. Also, I live here and I

I maintain hope for my beloved home state while Tammy Baldwin, the first open-when-elected LGBT senator, stays in office. She is up in 2018 and you know the Mercers and Kochs are coming for her.

i am all here for nicollete sheridan as alexis. i believe she’ll bring the right level of camp and bitchiness to the show which i still enjoy watching even if there aren’t enough slaps.

I have encountered this only once in my life, from a sales person. Suddenly I feel blessed to live in standoffish New England.