
May the woman among us who has not had a self-obsessed ex cast the first stone.

“mother” is the essay we all wrote in our freshman year of college

Done being attractive, done using make up, done brushing my hair, done brushing my teeth, is that how it works now??

Nothing better than someone initiating the hug with “I know you’re not a hugger...”

Shit. I don’t even want to shake hands with people. I’m super affectionate and demonstrative with my people, but with strangers? Fuck all of that physicality.

Ikr? What ever happened to just a handshake?

Move to New England. We don’t make eye contact, say hello, speak to or touch each other!

I’m always super jealous of my husband when he gets to shake his friends hands and I have to hug them. Why? They’re *his* friends!

I would close the account, while loudly demanding to know why they think such unprofessionalism is acceptable. But apparently I tend to ‘make a scene’ according to my partner...

Last week a man I work with just thought I looked SO cozy in my oversized sweater and scarf because I’m SO SMALL, that he couldn’t resist taking me into a hug (that he asked permission for but did not wait for my answer, which would have been no), and even worse, loudly and in front of all my coworkers. I’m in my mid

You know what? Even if someone just died, if you don’t know me, don’t fucking hug me. I got enough going on. One of the worst things about dealing with my mother’s sudden, unexpected death was fighting off all the attempted huggings by people I didn’t know.

I can’t decide if it’s better or worse that he also seemed to be mid/late 20s. Are you hugging me because we’re peers? I just don’t get it.


God yes. I opened a new bank account, and went in for the handshake before I left, and dude hugged me!

Oh, can we please have this? I am a very private, nervous person and even people I know and like giving me a hug makes me want to jump out of my own skin. It’s downright traumatic to have people who ought to just be shaking my hand intrude upon my breathing space.

I feel like all of this belongs in a scary movie...I was legitimately creeped out watching that first vid.

I watched the seasons 1-3 of Vanderpump Rules so I am not surprised Stassi said this.

I fully accept my aiding and abetting in the turkey slaughter.

If you had told me back then that we’d have a president even crazier than Sarah Palin within a decade, I would have had you committed. Now, here we are...we’re all living in a nation-sized insane asylum.