
Not for lack of trying!

Wouldn’t the Whopper Junior work just as well as the probiotics for shitting?

Oh thank christ. I saw the phrase “36 Women” and the picture of Franken and immediately assumed the worst.

I found this bone-chilling. Like finding out Voldemort knows your address.

Well, that’s one of the most honest statements I’ve heard in some time. How do you react when a close friend turns out to be a sexual predator.

It was fine for what it was. She had to speak and she did. I’m puzzling over the reason she felt she had to wear a traditional male costume to deliver it? Any thoughts on this?

She’s right, and this should be our response to Franken. We don’t get to only condemn bad behavior when it’s committed by people we hate.

That was a great statement actually. She doesn’t have to disown someone she cares about but she DID own the fact that he did something awful and she needs to do some soul searching on how this nets out for her and where her place was in all of it. The avalanche is still in motion....

I am here for it.

It’s satire - that’s why it’s in the comedy category. It’s not really a horror movie, it just uses the horror format and horror tropes to tell its satirical story. Oh, and Kumail Nanjiani is totally gong to win.

In Kim K’s defense, besides that ‘has a fuck ton of money’ thing, this would be the first baby shower were she didn’t feel like death warmed over, if you don’t take her descriptions of her pregnancies as overtly dramatic. So maybe she just wanted to enjoy one?

I remember my dad once saying that he would be afraid to help a woman who had passed out or something because people might think he was “doing something to her.” Dude, really? No.

Sorry, had phone issues and I accidentally posted before I was finished, but could not edit, so I had to do a double post. I can’t delete my incomplete post either. :/

You will not get that promotion at work if you don’t dress in an attractive manner, but you will also get HR complaints if your cleavage or nipples show at work. Akso, you will be shamed as a terrible mother if you don’t breastfeed but you will also be accosted if you breastfeed in public.

Well, they took out the mouth-to-mouth breathing parts for basic CPR, so at least you’ll get less men pretending they need CPR to try and sneak a kiss.

The consequences of the neverending sexualization of the female body are varied and surprising.

See ladies? You all made us poor delicate menfolk scared with all of your sexual harassment and rape claims. Us men are the victims here.


It’s like eating toast with nothing but mayonnaise on it.

Maybe he qualifies as such in 2017 because he hasn’t raped anyone.