
Everyone cares so little about the Kardashians that I had to scroll all the way down to the grays to find a comment on any other dirt bag item. 🤔

Say what you will about Britney, but when I saw her in Vegas, girl was frickin’ MOVING. Granted, she wasn’t singing live, but I guess maybe these days singers have to choose one or the other?

Seriously, put a chaise lounge on stage and call it a day.

Right? Aretha ddidn’t need any of that. Aretha just does her thing and has the backup singers dance. When you’ve got that kind of instrument, you don’t need the dog & pony show.

This is the best thing I have seen all day today. She’s just done.

Same! No snark at her either. Its ok to not want to dance around for an hour anymore, just write it out completely then. This “I would rather be doing anything else” dancing is just cringe-worthy.

I wonder why she bothers with choreography at all.

She has too much money to be doing this shit.

If the “crystal lady” was unavailable, I’m sure Spencer Pratt would have been glad to help.

I’m all for the man tax, but I would not go to a place with vulva stones and period sticker packs. That just sounds really obnoxious.

+1 espresso bean

Yeah, I dunno. I see what they’re trying to do. But maybe coffee should just be for staying awake, not staying woke.

Starred mostly for the use of bobo

so that’s what diplo looks like.

Perfect lead gif is perfect.

I feel like we need more nuanced and real representations of gay people now. The look, all gay men are campy thing worked back in the early 2000s when there wasn’t much representation in media or public life but now society has moved on a bit (still messed up though) and a lot of viewers can handle real, imperfect…

does anyone actually want/need the will and grace reboot back in their lives (having said that, yes, i always support Megan Mullally making money)

George C. Scott has come back form the dead to save our daughters from bathroom demons!

I bet this woman has a very sensible Facebook page.