
And this explains why he’s tweeting on the shitter so often.

But will the women all get periods at the same time? STAY TUNED!

Wouldn’t it be easier if ladies just left their boobies at home?

He should try to get all the money he can from NBC and then donate to RAINN. Good PR move for Matt and a great way to penalize NBC for letting this shit go on and on and on and on.

Since when did thinking you shouldn’t fuck 14-year-olds become a liberal view?

Lake WobeGTFO!

If only this were an exaggeration!

Not to brag, but some of us were already sickened by this man.

And if he did that to someone with as much power as Couric, there’s no telling what he did to those who weren’t considered to be at the same professional level.

Where in the world is Matt Lauer just got interesting.

Damn that Jennifer Lawrence. She just keeps being so relatable.

YES! And the very horrible, “I’m a hugger!” as they come in not giving a shit if you aren’t.

Horrible. And it’s true — many people genuinely don’t understand boundaries. I’d send you a hug but I’m more respectful of that. Please accept my non-physical show of support.

Excellent point. Hugs should never be assumed.

What does he do to people he actually knows well?????? EEK!

That is ridiculous. It’s almost worse if you’re not a pervert. WHY DO YOU NEED TO HUG SO MUCH????

AGREED. If it’s a funeral, I’ll hug you. No one died? Maybe we just say hello.

Can we just not hug all the time? For years, those of us who aren’t huggers (especially women) have been made to feel like there’s something wrong with us.

I’m thankful for the internet.

And I’m sure Roy Moore didn’t assault EVERY 14-year-old girl he met. Not helpful.