Driver Decade

I'm wondering how much of the final cut of 10 Cloverfield Lane was due to budget cuts (I guess most films suffer this). I hope the budget cuts here didn't affect it that much.

Jennifer Aniston's not too sexy in this one, but I think she doesn't have as much acting chops as Theron. Thing is, we would like to remember Aniston from the 90s.

Looks like this movie is leading in lists of summer 2015 stuff to expect. And this seems to be among the first movies he's doing that's in the drama mold. Stallone had already been in dramas before him, namely the first Rambo movie.

Have wondered if we can also see Streep do the violin. But her help for screenwriters sure is appreciated.

Of course, they deviated a lot from the comics on her character. But I wonder if they can synthesize this later on? Synthesize - blame the Vision for that term.

This is still the leader among shows within shows. Unless maybe I count 20 Questions with Hector Ramirez in Inhumanoids?

Among the houses, I'm for the Lannister. They're probably in real estate for cemeteries.

Wonder if other late night show hosts will become guests in the shows they once led, or in other comedians' shows. Adding more fun.

I guess there should be kids' games for the other shows in the article same as with Frozen. hehe

I wonder how many men actually bought these dresses for themselves. hehe