Driver Decade

Well, those who listen maybe. About those who look at her? hehe

This remake is more humanistic and less creepy than the first one for obvious reasons. The first one will always be the creepiest vampire movie in history.

Kroll show seems crazy enough, though I've wanting to see more of Galavant. Many comedies these days.

Wow, Kimmy's got us all in a funny Matrix. She sure is going to be one funny character.

Wouldn't be surprised if one of the 80s stars turned up in this show. hehe

I thought it would be more about just card games, but hey, board game these days are becoming nice. All thanks to the Warhammer generation.

I heard that rumor, and expect Perry to dress a bit like this.

I'm people find that costume above sexy as they may find these pics.

Suits seems to carry well its heavy legal drama. It'll be up there along with the greater legal shows.

Let's see Comeback get into lists like this.

This could be seen as a good spy show among many, but set in a period story.

Interesting. You don't often see based-on-real-life spy shows that often. The usual stuff is action-adventure and all that.

Quagmire sure is the sneaky one, but I guess everyone here is an important character anyway.