
I guess as an action movie watcher I think there is some bias in her view of the traumatic event in the backstory being a women thing. It is one of the more common means to get an action plot going, since there are few ways for a hero to go on a murderous rampage without the audience considering them a maniac. It has

“With Trump, we feel at risk.”

Counterpoint: the man says he’s an Argentinian. If he’s a legal VISA holder, then he has all the right to be pissed at an illegal immigrant.

Implying Justin’s father isn’t actually Fidel Castro

He is a neo liberal hack. Expect Canada to have it’s own surge of right wing populism.

If we know Gizmodo, then they’ll be blaming Russia, RNC, white males, Christians, and Trump. Not specifically in that order though.

From what I’ve read, no alphabet agency was “allowed” to look into the DNC hack via examining the servers/computers, and only trusted the word of the company the DNC hired. There’s been several higher level alphabet people stating that there’s no hard evidence that Russia even did the hacking. To me, it’s even more

Well if they “knew” all this then that would be some water gate level stuff and would further prove they were illegally spying on political opponents who we already know were clearly unmasked.

It is amazing to me to this day that the argument that the Democrats are making was “We would have won, if those damn Russians hadn’t exposed all of our dirty secrets about how we were literally rigging primaries in favor of a single candidate”

If a journalist had exposed the same kind of dirt on the Republicans

Liberals sure do have creative minds.

“Following the Kremlin-directed cyberattacks that upended the Democratic Party last summer”

So who are we blaming today? Obama, Trump, Russians or the media?

I still want to see the data set that was used in 1960 vs now and see which points have been discarded or added to support one’s argument


“Chubbs, I know you’re going to help me with this one.”

If they are that motivated and hard working they can LEGALLY move to the country through the proper channels. You break immigration law, you are a fucking criminal and should be sent back to whatever shithole you came from.