
Sigh..Kylo Ren’s Lighsaber is so within canon if you would do you research.

Or do a crappy “reboot” like theirs.

Also, don’t forget Explorers. (I might be the only one that watched this all time when younger)

Batteries Not Included, too!

If you love it so much, why don’t you marry it? :P

Yeah, I mean who would have thought that portraying characters in a tone that's appropriate for that character would be a recipe for success?

Well when there is only one that doesn’t exactly bode “The jedi are back.” Would be like saying pandas aren’t extinct cause there is one left.

I thought at first that he had kidnapped the daughter, straight up murdered her, cut her up and put her in a box the way they shot it. That’s why he was so disgusted, then two scenes later she’s tied up in a warehouse, so my theory went out the window.

Now playing

Sometimes all you need is a used squad car:

They were participating in a promotion that involved taking selfies put on by the stadium. It had just been announced right before this clip.

I have all 4 seasons on dvd. A pretty damn good show that was unfairly killed off.

Id take more 4400 over more Heroes, any day.

For years, I used to wear a “Belushi Samurai” doo; but it’s true. I developed a serious receding hairline.

Mickey Rourke was truly a ground-breaker

I find them terrible pretentious.

You know, if his engineering teacher thought he’d get in trouble with the other teachers because of this, the simple thing would have been to say “Cool! Why don’t you leave it here with me until after school?”

If some wealthy techie doesn’t jump to this kid’s aid fighting this total bullshit, every crappy thing I think about humanity will be proven true.

I think that when the White House calls up a studio and says “The President wants to watch your movie” the studio gets them the movie.

If enough of us like this comment, it comes true. It comes true, people.