
Have very similar things at my workplace. Upper management of my group is a raging homophobe (refused to interview an highly qualified internal candidate for a position because he’s gay)and known to scream at people. A supervisor has physically grabbed an employee and made several outright cry by screaming at them.

If you get a chance listen to the podcast Dr. Death. It talks about a neurosurgeon who killed the majority of his patients but kept practicing as the hospitals he had privileges at didn’t want to admit culpability by reporting him.

I currently get 0 sick days a year, but I do get a generous 40 hours of unpaid leave I can use instead of getting fired for not showing up to work due to illness. Of course because I can’t afford not to work I didn’t use those days when I had the flu with a fever of 101 for 4 days this summer. Luckily were were only

Weird, because they changed their names from Viago, Deacon and Vladislav to Nandor and Lazslo. Must be some weird reason beyond them being completely different characters. 

he claimed the costume idea was a last-minute decision, and he started to regret it as people began calling him out in public.

With the increasing number of politically, often liberal, savvy teenagers out there why in the hell would you do a question and answer session at a high school as a conservative. It’s almost certain you are going to get owned and shamed.

So you are saying she is a Globalist Deep State Pizzagate Benghazi Fakenewsian!

I got my undergrad degree in Philosophy, and have read some incredibly obfuscated writing. That Dianetics paragraph is some next level bullshit. If it were written recently I would have guessed it was machine generated gibberish. It’s impressive, in a really shitty way, that it was written by a human.

I think it’s all happening according to plan. The Republicans are planning for the House to go Democrat. That will mean they will start impeachment. Republicans will protect Pence who will then pardon Trump. They will take a loss for 2020 and come back with a new Reagan. They got nearly everything they wanted done in

Maybe it will something like Picard’s Memoirs. Where it interlaces Patrick Stewart talking about adventures from Picard’s youth. Perhaps narrating as an omniscient 3rd party while a younger actor play’s young Picard?

Wow, that is some awful CGI green screen bullshit. Robin is more Red Hood then Robin in this.

I would fear retaliation, and deserve it too, if I had someone arrested for assault over a minor incident in a basketball game.

I can so see the administration just purposefully screwing the whole thing up badly so they can say. “See we said we needed more time to do this right, but the Libtards forced our hand and we ended up giving all the children to random people.”

I saw this movie when I was 11 or 12. Scared the crap out of me so much that I had to go sit in the lobby of the theater(I was easily scared then.) I’ve watched in many times since then.

We can only hope in prison he is put in general population and they will take care of him.

Trump would split the baby even after the real mother gave the child up to protect it.

Every time I read his name I see it as Fart N’ Hold. I can no longer unsee it.

He’s comparing property to property. Just because you don’t care for the object doesn’t give the state the right to permanently confiscate it. I say this as someone who doesn’t own a gun, never wants to, and supports strict gun control.

Cops fear black people because their “savageness” gives them super powers. They can use their ancient mystical voodoo powers to woo the white cops wives and have sex with them...or something moronic like that.

To be honest I don’t understand the whole queer thing or some of the terms being used, but then again as an asexual I only intellectually understand the vanilla attractions. However, it doesn’t matter if I don’t understand as it’s not my business. If someone says they are queer I just nod my head, say it’s cool and