
The fingerprint reader is capacitive and uses radio frequency. Without someone being alive you can’t unlock the phone, even within 48 hours. So this was a complete waste of time the cops could have avoided by doing a quick google search.

Anyone who uses the color Gold as the main theme for decorating is either an 18th century French King or nouveau riche. Trump’s sense of style is like someone who grew up living in a trailer and won the lotto.

Well we are talking about Trump. Tacky and Cheap are definitely some of the words I would use in describing him and his style.

In the US we would find a way to take a law meant to stop people from being assholes to one another and turn it into a way to promote an asshole agenda.

I hope these ladies sue the ever-living-fuck out of this woman in civil court as well. Getting her where it really hurts, in her pocket book.

If the poor and middle class stop having babies where is the next generation of mistresses, gardners, chaffeurs and sex slaves going to come from?

They’ve changed the meaning of family focused. Being Republican means being a horrible immoral human being who will help the truly Christlike Moral people bring about God’s kingdom.

I love the Ocean’s Elevens remakes, they are fun pop corn movies. Swapping out the men for women doesn’t indicate this will be any less fun. I’m in.

Unless the potato salad is yellow it’s not worth eating. If you can’t taste the mustard then you are doing it wrong. Also adding Peas to potato salad means you should die in a fire.

My son is in 4th grade. The school, because of the focus on standardized testing, spent 1 month of doing Social Studies/History in the class rotation(And that time was spent on the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and State History). Since then that entire subject has been skipped, or lumped

How can Trump find people so God damned stupid that they can’t even lie in their own self interest? I’m both happy the people he nominates are this way and completely and utterly flabbergasted that these people exist.

Well at least someone fixed that awful inbred Trump chin thing they all have going on.

He has no chin and an overbite his face is...unfortunate.

Going to pull out one thing from the post that I find fault with.

I remember people snorting condoms on youtube in 2015, I just learned of the tide pod stupidity late 2017. Maybe snorting condoms has had a popularity resurgence...is it nostalgic now?

No he won’t kill all the people, because killing people means less slave labor in For-Profit-Prisons. He would gladly lock up all the majority and make them work to support God Emperor Trump’s Glorious Republic©. Who else is going to build shitty hotels, slaughter cows for shitty steaks, and shine all his gaudy gold

Just follow these simple rules to not be shot if you are black. Don’t: stand, sit, lay down, kneel, crawl, walk, run, be still, have things in their hands, have empty hands, have hands behind your back, have hands clearly in front of you, have hands behind your head, look directly at the police, look away from the

As a domesticated hetero male I can confirm that she is totally groovy.

It’s not the individuals fault. I’m sure their management told them to be part of the corp. If they get expelled I wouldn’t be shocked if they found themselves out of a job. Trump will punish the entire news company by banishing them for one reporters question.