Kung Fu Ponda Baba

Can't be too careful.

Alas, it's too late. They've photoshopped your lawn, put up a parking lot.

And oh, hey, the Fantastic Four (active in the 60s & 70s) is now also there.

CW's Flash's constant f!ck ups make a lot more sense if the lead is actually Barry Dylan from Archer.

Wicky-Wicky Wild Wild West

"Aww, dang. We're gonna need another new judge. And those scorch marks are never gonna come out of the furniture."

Once she passed out from holding her breath, she returned to a more healthy color.

Are we still not doing phrasing?

"Hey, Ghost Chimp, M.D. was pure genius!"
- CraigyFerg

I prescribe smashing up two Chick-fil-A's and call me in the morning.

This is like a Kentuckyfied League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Gentlecolonels.

Wow, we've got more than enough Sanderses now to make a KFC Voltron.

That suddenly explains that photo of Trump eating KFC on his plane.

They're probably burned out on soup.

"Oh, it's not going in that end, Mr. Lightbody Jones."

He probably also hates yogurt because he likes being constipated.

HeLa: more cultured and healthy than Alex Jones.

Well, Kushner's reluctant about speaking on video because Aflac still owns the rights to his voice for their spokesduck.

For too many of them, Melania being White means it doesn't challenge their worldview.
