Kung Fu Ponda Baba

Don't forget the moderate-curious.

Limbaugh's studio and Mar-a-Lago are both in Palm Beach County. May take two MOABs, but probably a single bombing run.

"What's the matter, Hannity? I bet you can squeal. I bet you can squeal like a pig."

James Murdoch has already scheduled a Cheney hunting trip for Ol' Yeller O'Reilly.

"It's BACON!!!!"

So, O'Reilly books are like fruitcakes, only even more unpopular to receive?

If you shove an icepick through your eardrum, your brain will likely function more like the brains of these people.

James Woods: I'll also have the coke.

Or maybe Stockholm Syndromed into liking it.

Can't he just wear them on the outside of his suit?

I'm now curious and a little frightened of the possibility of Gibson and Michael Bay collaborating on a film.

And apparently the light switches blend in so subtly, some people have difficulty finding them.

"Urge to kill… rising."

Kudos, Araya. Wow, that's some David Xanatos Nth-Dimensional Crybaby Chess.

Damn, that sounds familiar. Now I wish I'd gotten a blood transfusion from my gamma-powered cousin.

It's too much of a paint to hold down the Alt key and look up the ASCII character.

So it's like a Michelin star thing?

{Tom Arnold sits patiently by his front door waiting for someone, anyone, to show up}

There's Deadpool.

A Kevin J. Anderson novel is basically a literary Sarlacc Pit.