Kung Fu Ponda Baba

Which is also cursed.

Which Darren the Hoople made it in, York or Sargent?

Not if he kept tousling his beard and giggling. Unless he's going for grown-up in the dementia stages.

"And the Bono Vox spake, saying, 'First shalt thou take out the Headphone Jack. Then, shalt thou count to catorce. No more. No less. Catorce shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be catorce. Quince shalt thou not count, nor either count thou tres, excepting that thou then proceed

And now he has a terrible cuttlebone addiction.

{sighs, adds another fetish to my list}

Just a few seconds of James May repeating "Buffering… buffering…"

Syrio's in a new intergalactic buddy-roadtrip movie with Boba Fett, debuting six months after the Star Wars 1313 MMO comes online.

I don't know if they asked Cersei, but she showed up anyway in the John Oliver variant. Dinklage looks particularly thrilled.

Sansabelt Slacks

Why have all of the recent time travel shows on TV never touched on this topic?!

With that mustache and hair, he's like Stan Lee in his prime.

Harold's penthouse should of had a discreet photo of his deceased brother, Sean Bean, as an Easter Egg.

I thought that was where they mined Super Colon Blow cereal?

Yeah. McConnell, Boehner, Ryan, and all the damn Tea-Partiers refused to budge on any damn thing, but somehow it's all Obama's fault.

Throwing missiles from a safe distance at Middle Eastern people, so he'll get double bonus points for that. Plus all the 24-hours news getting warhawk boners over this, and happy that they can finally point to this as "evidence" of Trump being now a serious PotUS.

Before we cultivate a HeLa line from MRA DNA, I want at least half-dozen extermination protocols on my desk. Or a big budget sci-fi horror screenplay about it. Either or.

He's the Lorax for thin-skinned white guys?