Kung Fu Ponda Baba

That's just his new cover identity assigned by his National Supers Agency handler, Agent Dicker. He'll be back to save us from Syndrumpf once he finds out where Michelle hid his supersuit.

The only antidote is high-viscosity mayonnaise.

Kellogg's Gender SmacksĀ® are a part of this complete breakfast!

Training courses from Trump University?

Wow. Working class sexual harassers only get a free night at a Trump hotel after the 10th punch on their club card.

The circle of jerks?

I thought that was Paul Greenberg in a Vacant Lot sketch.

Letterman has a restraining order against beardedStipe. If they every bumped into each other, their beards would Gordian-Velcro together.

As any student of history should know, the Lettermanaissance almost always occurs post-McConaissance.

An AWD Subaru is pretty handy for lots of rural terrain. Mine was wonderful for delivering rural mail on lots of unpaved roads, especially after heavy rains and washouts.

Ugh. That sounds suspiciously like effort.

I hope Pruitt becomes a host for Hedorah, who is then atomic-breath fried by Godzilla.

Spiceyweasel seasons everything with a BAM! of castoreum.

Viral marketing for either Doritos or a new season of X-Files has gone too far.

Eh. The animated Tick kicked the Magic 8 Ball's ass, I can't imagine it'll prove too big a threat to David.

And then when needed, they recombine into Doctor Voltron.

Hey, don't kinkshame.

Yep, the current owner and Trump are good buddies.