Kung Fu Ponda Baba

Olestra-filled products are available too, but you don't see many people reaching for them either.

"It's pronounced 'Az-weep-ay'."

It's gonna be hard to sneak up on bad guys if BL's whole suit blinks every time he takes a step.

Down here in Florida, they've found at least a couple large boas that died that way trying to swallow a gator (which also died).

"Good night, Dad. Good work. Sleep well. I'll most likely kill you (again) in the morning."

{Martin Shkreli angrily tweets Danny Rand's home address}

I love Rosario Dawson's Claire, but if someone with claws is getting in the fights, I'd much prefer it's Rachael Taylor's Trish/Hellcat.

The 7 Sex Pants of Dr. Lao

"Every artist is a cannibal, every poet is a thief;
All kill their inspiration and sing about the grief." — Shia LaBeouf

Wait a couple months and it'll show up on the Burger King menu.

A Song of Injunctions and Appeals

With this setback, their case verges on becoming a total Duketastrophe.

Stifle yourself, Edikh.

Well, sentient or not, AI's are more likely to pass a Turing test than most of the morons currently in the White House. I think Congressman Nunes could be outsmarted by a 1980s Speak-&-Spell.

If this is signed into law, I want everyone to be able to read up on the entire Internet history of every Congressman, everyone in the Trump clan, and Ajit Pai of the FCC.

I also don't have any Pitchforks. Can I pelt him with old rolled-up copies of Kerrang!? I need to clean out the garage anyway.

She's only immortal until she meets the Winchester brothers.

You're old, Grammer-Man! It's all about having abs of carbotanium now.

I hope issue #1 of the Uncanny Trump-Men has a prismatic orange cover with a gold logo.