Kung Fu Ponda Baba

Manafort got Trump to accept Pence on the ticket. So it's more possible that Pence did know Flynn was talking to the Russians (and apparently the Turks too).

Yeah, I want him to stay in the House too, until they completely break his will to do anything in government anymore. When he leaves the House, I want him too beaten to even consider running for mosquito control or dog catcher.

A national disaster, international incident, and/or major domestic terrorism is likely to happen on Trump's watch. We will not be fine.

Hey, if Doc Ock and the Goblin take each other down, that's still a victory for Spidey (and NYC). Plus, if a little Spidey-smacktalk speeds it along, even better.

He's been happy to sign the horrible shit (repealing enviro regs, the pipeline) they put on his desk. Keeping Trump there keeps them ostensibly safer from the MAGAs and helps draw attention away from their own shitty bills and shitty SOP. If they were moderately intelligent (which I'm not sure of anymore), they'd keep

I meant he's in danger of losing his Speakership (maybe they'll go for Trey Gowdy?… he seems dumb enough to want it). But yeah, barring something incredible, Ryan will keep his district seat.

A tenacious moron like Trump can still break and undermine plenty stuff while he's in office, and that's assuming some disaster (terrorist attack, Putin invades somewhere, North Korea keeps it up) doesn't happen on his watch. I'll calm the fuck down when he and all his assholes are out of office.

And if someone tied to Trump cracks and rolls over to testify on this Russian thing, it'll get much harder to get any SCotUS nominee through.

Trump focused squarely on House Tea-Partiers. He didn't attempt once to reach out to House Dems, and I'm not sure he bothered with the moderate/not-insane House Repubs either.

Backwards, up hill both ways, in heels.

I'd breath a little easier if I wasn't seriously worried about Ryan being unable to pass any Federal budget and raising the debt limit.

I dunno about Ryan. The House Freedom Caucus got Boehner axed, and I wouldn't be surprised if they decided this was the bridge too far for Ryan.

Land Rover, Land Rover, send spambot on over! {prepares to closeline spambot in the neck}


Apparently, they work pretty well.

— Ivanka, official PotUS changer

Yeah, I'm in my 30s and I cried like crazy at the end of SotS.