Kung Fu Ponda Baba

Yeah, ya gotta cut your red dye #5 with fat and relish. You don't want to just mainline it straight.

That's just gonna lead to an outbreak of hungry stoners and/or drunks eating the candles.

Can't you just Sandra Lee semi-homemade that extra flavoring?

Is it from free range homosexuals?

Trump can get his premarin from his physician, just like everyone else does. My mind recoils in horror about what it'd do to him though.

MCU Misty Knight… and Colleen. Works better than either of them getting stuck as Danny's plus-one.

Maybe she passes the claws on to Trish?

No, I got dibs.

He'd just spontaneously combust and give off huge plumes of thick creosote-y smoke.

Beam Ratnertainment now into exo-skulls and vigorously touch flippers


With a virgin's zero experience, I'd suspect Danny's technique would be closer to a hamfisted Seagal's move: puncher…

A villain can only chew so much scenery before it undermines the structural integrity, which threatens a total collapse.

I got the impression that breakfast eggs-making Oliver remembered her at least a bit.

Payphones in Fox's Marvel Universe aren't extinct, just endangered or threatened. One turns up in Deadpool's pre-Logan teaser.

That's what I thought too. I figured Cary being Cary, he'd figure the banking tube was faster than climbing that long-ass ladder.

I'm not sure I should be applauded for my adolescent mass-consumption of comics.

Melanie Bird did mention in an earlier episode that Walter/The Eye liked hurting people. That doesn't seem like a need he could shut off or suppress for very long (or would want to).

♫ "His temperament's wrong for the priesthood
And teaching would suit him still less
Luke, be a dentist, you'll be a success" ♫

She's got enough problems without being sentenced to serve as Jerry's butler.