Kung Fu Ponda Baba

If you can, try to aim your interdimensional communication device so your voice seems to project from his microwave.

Bannon is gagh in a human suit.

It's the strongest argument yet for the government negotiating & regulating lower prescription drug prices. I know there's stuff like cancer and cholesterol, but it's more frightening that all those Trump supporters aren't receiving their badly-needed psychiatric medications.

Five minutes earlier, Ivanka was smearing peanut butter on Trump's teeth while Bannon warmed up his ventriloquist skills.

Trump doesn't even shoplift his own drugs.

My brain is on a 7-second delay behind my typing fingers.

HP has captchas, if you have coin.

Most of the Republicans (I just misspelt "Republican" as close to "replicant" - put me in mind of empathy tests)

Unless he uses his offspring as organ "donors." Wonder which one's skin he'll end up wearing?

Wait, which kid(s) are his horcruxes?

You ain't gonna get most Trump supporters to eat Soylent Green made from dark meat. Made from their white neighbors? Sure, and they'll be back for seconds.

Hell, you just described most of the people currently running the White House.

As apex predators, humans are filled with heavy metals and other toxins… so he'd probably suggest burning the poors, in-between shovels of coal, to power steam engines.

Trump never wanted to be a leader. He just wanted to be a ruler.

Miles won them over with his impressive canned soup collection?

Which is why Mole Man, er, The Underminer, shows up at the end of The Incredibles.

As a former employee, it isn't just the movie division that has this problem.

Worfles® potato chips have ridges!

Vigorous Helicoptering Schwanzstucker

Is there a pot strain named "Reefer Sutherland"*? I bet Donald Sutherland would smoke it.