Is it wrong to dislike the little boy who had to get in on the action?
Is it wrong to dislike the little boy who had to get in on the action?
“This is exactly why I am such a strong advocate for people being allowed to openly carry guns when visiting zoos.”
Upon his arrest, Cummin told police, “I’m glad this is over.”
Dude should be prosecuted if he broke the law.
There must have be de brie everywhere.
Who makes puns at a time like this? You, sir, are a muenster!
funnier because velveeta is in fact wrapped (lined) in a silver wrapper thing.
Remember in Terminator 2 when the tanker crashed and split open, spilling liquid nitrogen or some other cryogenic fluid everywhere? Do the same thing with salsa for the ultimate victory.
aint no party like a salsa con queso party cause a salsa con queso party dont stop
Have your damn star. That was a gouda pun.
“the combination of cheese and diesel fuel made for a pretty awesome Béchamel sauce.”
Fixed that...
Gouda joke. You’re Brie-lliant.
Why were they pumping water on it? Toss on some chips and a tanker worth of salsa and you are in business.
i was gonna come here and make a comment about how the state of wisconsin is being put on suicide watch after the incident, then i realized it actually happened in wisconsin and now i cant stop laughing
The driver is really sad. He was fondu that truck.
Very good idea! I’ll see if I can import airpor data and add this as a filter, thanks.
Here is an unfortunate and incorrect headline that ran on an AP blurb in today’s edition of the Brandon (Manitoba)…
Yesterday, Crazy Days and Nights had a blind about multiple affairs and a politician about to be revealed. Enty isn’t always accurate. But he isn’t always not accurate either.
Aaron Hernandez decision to commit suicide can be characterized as a rational choice. He had very little chance of ever seeing the outside of a prison again. Given “prison until death” as one’s only option, what’s the point of going on? He made his bed, then chose not to lie in it. The system didn’t drive him to it.…
using Bland and Browder in the same sentence as Hernandez is shameful. He was a murderer, they were innocent and didn’t deserve what happened to them. Your better than that Root; at least I thought you were.