
Jesus! Is there anything that Donald Trump won’t leak?

What do you think is supposed to be funny about withholding a source? This is about ethics

Good Kinja.

It’s probably LaVar Ball you idiot

I hope the Celtics trade him to Toronto.

That’s how they behave.

The misunderstanding I get. Pulling the gun was entirely unnecessary.

McCoig reportedly told her that he had spoken to the deputy, and had said that it was a case of no harm, no foul.

Whoooo, goddamn that took some balls to pull. Even with the jaunty music letting me know that it turned out ok, I got tense as hell watching that aggro cop walk up with taser already in hand.

When to pull your weapon: when your life or the life of others is in jeopardy and you may need to employ lethal force.

There was a show people were talking about like a year ago that was “outdoorsman goes to work for outdoors magazine only to find it all staffed by sissy liberal millennials using ipads who don’t know how to be rugged and are out of touch with being outdoorsy even though they write he magazine” or something.

The sheriff added that he believed that Janis “assumed someone was stealing the car because they pulled up with no markings whatsoever on the car (taxi), dropped somebody off, went up to the car (and) started changing the license plate on the car.”

So I have a couple of pet peeves. One of them is when people say (usually in a sports context) something like “if he wouldn’t have thrown that interception, his team would have won.” No. No. If he HADN’T thrown that interception. This misuse of the conditional tense is extremely common.

So what is it about Silicon Valley that specifically attracts these kind of louses?

Interesting Jezebel article idea:

sorry have not read all the replies but,.... who the hell takes a cake on a plane?!

No, no - this is not called a RompHim. This is called a playsuit.

That’s not something you ask a person with power to remove you from an airplane who is already acting ornery.

not particularly a wise one to say to someone who probably isnt and can kick you off a plane over a cake that you can buy when you get to your destination.