
I’ve been searching but it doesnt seem like anyone did an episode by episode break down of his series. There was so much to unpack in each segment and I’m curious to hear others takes on it. I would do a vlog, but I sound like a Hyena eating a bowl of hot soup.

right! his fanboys and fangirls are something else. all the think pieces and bending over backwards to excuse and explain his actions is baffling to me.

While I find Ms. Hill’s repeated lateness and cancellations disrespectful to the fans who paid good money to see her, I find her nonsense much less problematic than what Mr. West is currently getting himself up to.

I gotta disagree. I saw Lauryn a couple of weeks ago. Yes, she was an hour late. But she played the entire time she was there. She was great. She used her voice to lift up black people, immigrants and women. She brought her children on stage. She may have her faults, but she is proud of who she is and where she came

YyyyyeeeeeeaaaaaaaNOT EXACTLY. Sure there are similarities when you squint your eyes and check out the odd behaviors, but I don’t ever recall Lauryn Hill ever straight up selling black people down the river and uplifting some trash ass white male himbo as the ideal man of all time.

I actually thought the hair was cute.

Mariah was my absolute favorite character in Luke Cage and that scene was pivotal for her so I forgive them for that. I agree that Cottonmouth was an awesome villain though. 

Really Mike Coulter and Finn Jones are the worst parts of Luke Cage and Iron Fist. How is that possible??? Why were they cast anyway???

And Michael B. Jordan with his shirt off. (which includes me bringing a towel to wipe saliva from my wife’s mouth)

Counterpoint: Disney’s Ghibli subs are really good.


This episode was way better than last week’s American Horror Story shit show but I have a lot of concerns going into the finale. Allow me to rant about them at length.

Namely, I’m concerned that all of the horrific incidents surrounding the Henrys will turn out to be totally random, ultimately insignificant footnotes

.. .. damnit.. I dont have a good answer... but ... damnit. I dont know. Death was my favorite character. She should have her own solo title (and or TV series. animated form, cause I just think live action would work.)

As others said elsewhere, most likely Rory Culkin killed Odin to avoid being deafened. We saw he didn’t look too convinced by the whole process, and that Odin was killed with the hot iron he intended to use for the deafening.

I can’t imagine there is much demand for cab service in Castle Rock, that is a terrible business idea. The only thing keeping Jackie solvent seems to be Molly hiring her for odd jobs, or maybe as a part time assistant at her real estate business? Like many things on the show it is not quite clear to me what she

this show is aiming for looming dread and it’s not getting it, despite having heaps of atmospheric shooting locations and some pretty great acting. they’re forgetting that so much of what makes the best King work is his understanding of plot mechanics, of when to reveal and when to hold back.

then again, King has

Also, what sort of person picks something off the ground, sees a mysterious red substance on it, then tastes that substance? Good grief.

Last week, and then this episode, gave a sense of an alternate CASTLE ROCK series; one in which each episode focuses on particular characters in Castle Rock and how the town destroys them in some way. That’d be a fascinating idea, I think, especially if it’s revealed they are all linked (ie. via The Kid). Instead, and

The plotting in streaming series is a continual source of mystery to me. What writer thought it was a good idea to trip off on this disposable side-plot when the show hasn’t explained how *any* of the...what, four at minimum?...looming mysteries relate to one another in the least. Every angle of the story feels like a