Disney owns Marvel, too, and we both saw how Iron Man 3 became a kiddified, low-violence show!
oh wait it had him dealing with PTSD and suicide bombers
Disney owns Marvel, too, and we both saw how Iron Man 3 became a kiddified, low-violence show!
oh wait it had him dealing with PTSD and suicide bombers
Well, you just saw footage from the stand alone version. So I'd wager that it's getting pretty close to where people will start swapping.
What franchises have they ruined?
Because lucas has been dishing out quality up to this point right? Wouldn't want disney messing with any of that...
Bah! I loved every second of that rinse and repeat FPS. But anyways, watching Columbia basically tear itself apart as you go further and further was super cool to me from an environmental standpoint. It all kind of culminates in Comstock House, which is absolutely devastating from both a design/atmosphere and…
I don't know if I've just never noticed it until this whole issue with them, but holy fuck is there A LOT of Duck Dynasty merchandise.
It doesn't take much for anything to become porn in Japan
I'm wondering if you are serious or not... Personally I tried playing Project Diva F on Ps3 recently and got my ass handed to me on normal (I don't normally play rhthym games). On the other hand I find sandbox games like GTA and skyrim fairly easy and I can play Dark Souls blindfolded...
Um... Wreck-It Ralph wasn't a Pixar movie. It was most definitely a Disney Animation Studios one.
I work in dog rescue. Your whole post is gross.
I don't think they should block someone from TV just because they are ignorant. If anything this should be used as a moment to have a discussion about race and sexuality and closed-mindedness and stuff. You shouldn't just be trying to make people who have stupid views go away.
I don't think it's so much about whether they are having sex or not. Most of these "sexless" discussions are unimportant results stemming from concerns over the Japanese aging population.
I don't really understand the point of this article. All those articles you list have sensationalist titles (much like the title of this article!), sure, but the core message of the articles is absolute truth: Japan has a steeply declining birth rate.
In previous games like DoC or Crisis Core, when you use a Phoenix down it gives you autoraise automatically after one death. I don't see why they would change that now.
I don't know how anyone can claim that female names aren't a thing in kid's titles.
I'd just like to point out that in Tangled, that Rapunzel was the one who ultimately saved Flynn Rider's life, leaving a lot of the arguments in this article a little biased.
Disney falls in the trap of being held responsible for lots of social and cultural failings, like that recent Jezebel article where an exec…
I love the mainstream success this show is enjoying because all of those same people seem unsure of how to take it and feel slightly apologetic about liking it.
Or with... Lightning...
Your an asshole, you should shut up.