Kumiko Akimoto

>Trump like biogated response
Well it’s true tho, people like to over look the fanservice in these kind of shows and show no outrage towards them.

But this is ship baity and probably won’t have a canon romance.

Women and men like different ways of showing off the pleasing parts of the body, this how you see fanservice in most yaois and shoujos. Or anything targeted towards women.

Cue the “Why isn’t it the female mc.” cries

Yeah that means absolutely shit when it comes to cosplaying characters and you should be ashamed for trying to push a double standard.

It gets negated when there’s literally no traces of Stockholm syndrome in the story. He doesn’t constantly hound or abuse her, she only starts giving a danm about after he put his life on the line.

You mean without bad voice acting

Evan what the fuck, you’re supposed to one of the more decent writers here.

If there’s no tits what’s the point?

So like is this out yet or what?

So it did somethin other then disrupt people who have nothin to do with it when they did it in this era?

Any time I wanna see someone use the term anti sjw unironically I want to die. And the circle jerk that follows afterwards is enough to make anyone suicidal

I don’t know people still preorder games and I guess spending over 50 bucks on anything nerdy can be considered pathetic really


So a yaoi sex game is ok but an anime where women fight with their butts is satan

And the sex scenes are boring as shit, art is nice and it’s a nice quick read other then that it’s nothing special.

Just because there’s not a full on 3d school boy vr lesson doesn’t mean there’s women don’t get fanservice pandering game.


So if someone can’t draw hands they don’t know how hands work???

No fun allowed I guess. This is actually less “Just T&A” then I thought it’d be. They contort and deform them for most of the scenes that should just be fanservicery to go for a more serious battle appeal. I imagine it’ll be a friendship is magic with lots of juicey character development and yuri moments so I’ll