
Lovely last sentence.

That was a Lamborghini payment in the before times...A cheap Lamborghini but a Lamborghini nonetheless 

Big ups to your second point. I never thought there would be any comeuppance on the manufacturers for abandoning cheap volume in favor of higher-margin vehicles, but we might actually be looking at it. Covid made the original problem worse as production availability actually became a limiting factor, but the long term

With my full EV, I only have to plug in once a week. Maybe once every two weeks. With a PHEV, I’d have to plug in much more frequently, making it a hassle (for me) due to my less than stellar access to a plug.

We had to run out of people dumb enough to take on a 1k car payment at some point.

As bullish as I am for the electric future, I suspect Toyota is making the smart move right now with extended range electrics like the Rav4 prime and the Prius Prime, rather than going full-blown electric like Ford’s Mustang Mach-e. These vehicles allow you to run electric day in and day out, but move to gas when a

My permanent resident card expired in May 2021. December of 2020 I applied and was granted a renewal. It’s now July 2023 and I still haven’t got it. But I have a print out from them saying they’re still working on it. I get a new one about every 8 months.

“They got it graded, so clearly they know whats up and will probably sell it”

Considering the regular, non-collectible versions of the card sell between 40-60$, it's pretty powerful. 

It’s a tough one. Certainly decks that can take advantage of it, but it’s not outright overpowered. It’s got a constant life drain that gets worse if you use it, but you draw cards when you do. So it’d be good for decks that can get that life back or otherwise rush your opponents before that becomes an issue.

how powerful is this card when it’s at play? Also is a 9 grade the equivalent of a 9.8 for comic books?  

I’m trying to be diplomatic, Bill Clinton would be a closer match on many fronts but still come out ahead as actually intelligent and more charismatic, still a slimeball.

In no universe is “sucks a bit less” accurate WRT Biden and trump.

This incident will be cited in many cases of whataboutism.  

... sucks *A LOT less.

Yep. I may hate their guy that they swoon over, I just hate “mine” a bit less than theirs. I voted for Biden as after the primary that was the option that wasn’t Trump, don’t like or love by any stretch, just sucks a bit less. Have had coworkers try to rile me up and I just shrug as I don’t have a chubby for my guy

I live in Texas, and I see ‘Biden Sucks’ and ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ stickers on cars all of the time.

My thought is always that it’s best to let those people be because there’s nothing anyone can do to damage them that they aren’t already doing to themselves.

This is wrong and it will only make things worse. There will be very serious right wing domestic terrorism. This infantile stuff is just the start. The problem is there will be no way to stop is as the right wing will just blame antifa/cia/fbi/blm and who every else or just whataboutism and no true scotsman it until

difference is, most liberals will call him a fucking idiot while if he was a republican most other republicans would cheer him on

Rethuglicans may have the vast majority of the stupids but clearly not 100%. Fucking. Moron.