
Whoa, total necro post. As an update I rode it far more than I thought I ever would, and hit 4,000 miles by the 1 year mark. Now I'm up to 4,500 or so. Replaced the chain and brake pads somewhere between 2k and 2,500 miles, and both probably need to be replaced again. Also replaced the rear tire. Otherwise it's been

Truth be told, I absolutely despised that when it debuted as well.

Kryptonite chain. https://a.co/d/j4Wiown

Next time (or for anyone else interested) just request a jury trial afterwards since it's your right. Watch the judge scramble since it's WAY more expensive for them to go to (actual) trial than whatever they'll collect for a fine. 

What the FUCK are you thinking she’s going to do, start firing a gun at this lunatic threatening her? And when he shoots back and accidentally hits one of the kids in the back, then what? “Collateral damage?”

Sure, go up there to ski several times per year. It’s also only home to 3% of the entire population of Michigan.

Cycling to work on Wisconsin is fine (at least some of the time), not sure why Michigan would be any worse?

“Briefly revived by ebikes" followed up with a statement that there are entirely too many ebikes on the bike path. That's like Yogi Berra's quote "nobody goes there anymore, it's too crowded." 

I’ve put 2,500 miles on my ebike since I got it in the middle of March. Going by the IRS reimbursement rate of $0.65/mile I’ve just about paid it off ($1,625 savings vs $1800 purchase price). Just on gas I’ve saved about $500.

OK, I want one month’s worth of pay and stock.  Happy?

Pretty sure his point is that this car is 11+ years old, so highly doubtful it's the original loan. That means it's either been refinanced (doubtful) or it's a second, or third, or whatever owner. 

I mean, if they’re disabled they might want to opt for the window seat knowing that there are going to be people having to move past them?

Cheers fellow Monona (Madison?) resident! 

Are you gone from your home for more than a month at a time? If not, you don't have to worry about it... 

It’s not, unless you are gone for more than a month at a time. People just like to complain. 

Lol, how about "no". 

Not everything, just trying to center some idiot driver’s eyeballs on me and not on their phone, etc.

I’d also like to say, as someone who is frequently riding his bike or walking somewhere, SLOW THE FUCK DOWN!! This time it was someone helping ducks across a road, but next time it could (will) be a little kit running out into the street after a ball, or someone who’s car has broken down, or a cyclist commuting to

I know I’m posting this on a car blog, but...... I don’t want to buy a car anymore. The days of fun, small, affordable cars is over, and I refuse to spend a fuckton of money on something that’s too big, too heavy and too expensive solely because of manufacturers’ greed. I bought an ebike in early March to try to get