I hope they realize that that is *highly* illegal and frowned upon by the FCC. Even influencers need to specify what content they are getting paid for.
I hope they realize that that is *highly* illegal and frowned upon by the FCC. Even influencers need to specify what content they are getting paid for.
One trick I use is to selectively cool parts of my body that have blood vessels close to the skin, as it will work to cool your whole body down. Running cold water over your head is good, but if that’s not an option take an ice cube or an ice pack and run it over your wrist/forearm. You’d be amazed at how much better…
I’d buy it and get a license plate that said OLIVER.
5th gear: Maybe automakers shouldn’t be building all of their new plants in “Shithole Counties”? Nothing like building a new manufacturing facility in some shitty deep-red state just so you can abuse the workers, and then being shocked that no workers are actually showing up?
Offer to take whatever god-awful bullshit APR on a dealer-initiated loan, as long as it lowers the purchase price of the vehicle. Then pay off the loan the next day. Most of the ridiculous discounts I saw when buying my last car (granted, 7 years ago) were tied to the dealer financing due to the kickbacks they were…
I'm just a notch in your bed post, but you're just a line in a song.
Pro: It’s technically a Porsche
Con: Literally everything else
with some 40% of car shoppers saying that buying an American-built car is now more important to them — up 22% year-over-year.
Oh god, you couldn’t pay me enough to fly on the 747s again. I used to travel to Asia a decade+ ago, and the 747s *sucked* (I flew on both United and China Air). Loud, everything rattled, and you always kind of wondered whether the thing would *actually* take off. Plus the lack of any technology (yay, 13" CRT TVs over…
*Could* I afford this? Yup. *Would* I ever afford this? Hahahaha, fuck no. We all have different priorities in life. Some people prioritize some huge redneck truck, while others prioritize things like an “emergency fund,” or maybe “a 401(k).”
But diesel is more expensive.... Also, I’m guessing that the lift kit and wheels might have decreased that 14-15mpg just a bit.
Same, but if I were buying something for the occasional boat tow, I certainly wouldn’t spend $20k on it.
The example they use is But I’m a Cheerleader, which had a *very* mild female masturbation scene (basically rubbing herself over her clothes), which was enough for the MPAA to give it an NC-17 rating. That compared to American Pie, which had a pie-fucking scene. Basically they had to go back and cut But I’m a…
If you haven’t already, I HIGHLY suggest watching “This Film is Not Yet Rated” for an inside look at how utterly and completely fucked the rating’s system is. Boy simulated masturbating? PG-13. Girl simulated masturbating? NC-17. It is completely ridiculous, and I’m glad that streaming services pretty much don’t have…
I can’t wait for the next headline, “wHy dOn’T yOuNg pEoPlE bUy cArS aNyMoRe?”
Not sure about this article, but CNBC has it at $656/month, financed at 5.1% for 70.1 months.