
more like:

the good old internet rabbit hole.

Quickly follow that advice with blocking their number. Not even worth getting a response.

Yeah, if your ex is benign and you generally parted amicably, then given some thought to if/how you respond and the stuff above might be helpful. But with toxic people noooooooope. Toxic people are like grease fires. The only way to stop them is to starve them of oxygen. This means no response. Ever. Block them and

I feel like the answer should always be “don’t”. No matter what you say, a toxic person is going to use it as an in. Don’t give them one.

It has become extremely hard to care about the people that have chosen the stupidest path forward.

Derek Kieper was an anti seatbelt advocate who died in a car crash where a seatbelt would have saved his life.

If only there was an easily available, tested, and verified effective shot or something you could get that would prevent you from getting covid...

The truck driver claimed that his brakes failed...”

“Keep on Truckin’” is more of a mantra than a directive, my guy.

The embedded Youtube player keeps saying “This Video Is Unavailable.” Miiiiight wanna find a mirror for that.

Immediate axle shaft failure at 30% throttle.

Many countries I have been in have a greater culture of collective good and collective responsibility. We do not and it shows.

Rather than monkeying around with your credit card payments and trying to figure out the exact date to make an extra payment, wouldn’t the more prudent and universal advice be, “Don’t rack up a bunch of credit card debt if you’re about to get a credit check”?

Scrum Master. Lol. When a company downsizes, the first to go are

My mom told me in high school that I’d be lucky if I ever made 100k a year and that it was a lot of money.

This all feels like a wildly uncontextualized conversation to have without discussing where these jobs are and the median salary to cost of living ratio. Median salary within a whole country doesn’t sound very valuable to discuss unless you’re just trying to compare jobs to each other. Tons of jobs can be moved to 6

The 2020-2021 flu season was an astounding flop—in a good way. Positive flu tests were rare, just 0.2%, compared to typical rates of around 30%. There was only one death of a child from the flu, compared to 37 to 199 in past years.

If you can’t afford to buy full shares of these companies you should not be investing in individual stocks. Go buy a low cost index fund and call it a day. 

IIRC, modern fuel hoses are designed to detach like this, because people are idiots