
Probably not, modern air brakes don’t apply the brakes when you step on the pedal, the air pressure keeps them open so when you push the pedal down, it’s releasing pressure from the system. This way, if you lose air pressure in the system, the vehicle will stop.


He was pushing to an intersection of roads with shorter names. You know-paperwork.

“Die for me, peasants! I need entertainment! If you aren’t willing to die for your betters, get another job!” -You, apparently.

Any time, my friend!

Shop’s been busy, so not much time to comment.  Had a slow day today, and lucky us!  Something to comment on! 

Hey Mod guy, long time no see! And thanks for the info. 

Hi, Folks! Mod Motor Guy, the shop owner checking in again!

Dealership is in the wrong. Allow me to explain my shop’s insurance policy, and you will soon see....

1. General liability - this is EXACTLY as it sounds. If I am out driving your car for whatever reason, be it a test drive, a delivery, or anything general

Let’s not discount the luck/random chance factor.

Development cycle of the M3:

Roughly 80% of the Garage 54 content is this exact kind of pointless curiosity.

Filters aren’t going to undo the effects of heat on the oil, and that concept isn’t exactly revelatory...

For people with certain types of hearing loss, bone conduction headphones let them hear again without any other aid.

I’ve been using this site to track vaccination rates since March, and it’s pretty enlightening (and very customizable)

Usually it’s because they’re asking questions that have been answered hundreds of times over and it’s obvious that they’re asking, not in search of knowledge, but to increase skepticism.

LW if you aren’t seeing a therapist I definitely recommend you do. It can be really helpful to role play these discussions with a professional so you can go into it with empathy and be ready to listen.

Yeah according to him, Carrie agreed on the spot, so he was like “Ah fuck.” 

I also remember him saying, albeit somewhat tongue-in-cheek, that once Harrison agreed, he basically had to do it, too.

Oh man, perfect. Indy walks into the bar and tells whoever he’s with to sit at the bar while he goes finds a pilot. He goes the the back of the bar and sits down across from Mark Hamill but you don’t hear any of the dialogue (since the shot is still on who was sitting at the bar). Indy comes back.

That last millisecond break check right before she hit the bumper likely saved them a lot of medical issues, if not the lives of multiple people. What are the odds that the driver of that red car will get rear ended in the future out of fear for crossing an intersection because of this?

For all the shit rightfully said and thought about this woman and how she should never be allowed in society again, think about the person whose front bumper is gone in that video. That person didn’t even have time for life to flash before their eyes. Talk about fucking insane, can you imagine just rolling into a