
This one wasn’t even my folks’ fault XD! Over eager 5-yr old me just grabbed the first approximately sized present I could find.
Over eager 5-yr old me, made a decidedly /bad/ guess. 5-yr old me still got Hands-Down that year <3;;.

Ah, back in the early 90's child-Kuma wanted the tabletop/cardgame Hands-Down with a firey passion. Xmas morning came, kiddo-Kuma sprinted down the stairs, attacked the first approximately appropriately sized present and found himself.... a frying pan.

I’ve definitely done this and worse to myself in Finland in Dirt Rally 2; Marginally encouraging that the pro’s are, in-fact, still humans on occasion.

Kirby and the Crystal Shards (Kirby 64).

Of Stuart’s crazy ideas, turning the super joker into some form of 2-laps-in-one, like back in the combined Monza days (track & oval) resonated the most with me. (Which, isn’t what he suggested; but what I think would be cool in relation to the super joker.)

Start of video shows he’s mostly keeping pace with a greenish-teal car, on his left. Was definitely fully boxed in at time of crash.

Bruh, China’s been polluting the West Coast for 20 years now. You saying China’s due for a fleet turnover? ;P.

(Ironic, since the w4 change was intended to make witholding more straightforward!) =_=...

(asdf, you’re completely right .-.;;. Even said so in the communique’s with support. ... Can we still throw needless shade at Intuit ^^;?.)

Had to give them hell over CA’s Charitable Deduction Adjustment. (It was broken for the first week CA’s state filing was available.)
Support reading off a script, instead of engaging your issue to troubleshoot, is a serious detriment.

You’re definitely getting what you ‘pay’ for. :/. ... Wonder if Intuit buying them

Market performance in Q4 2020 alone, was /bonkers/.

Editor hat: your “Notably, these payments would be /paid out monthly/.” The “paid out monthly” link, goes hot nowhere :c.


Aight, I had to google/wiki wtf it was “Fujiwhara” vs Fujiwara or Fujihara.
B/c the man himself romanized it with both w and h.

Hah! Great work!! And yeah, a 10% raise from the twice-monthly pay should make the “7.6% reduction” in the biweekly change mostly manageable. :).

Having been on twice monthly for forever, I’m not super looking forward to figuring out how to juggle my money now that I’m about to be paid every 2 weeks.
I have a feeling the Savings acct I’ve been living on during the between period is going to be getting a consistent workout.

Yeah, this was my reaction. Not sure if my heart can take it.

What’s really awkward is if it’s a dual directional lane /and/ diagonal parking. (Yes, I have one of these nearby)

This. Was very pleasantly surprised when Enterprise offered a rate in Hawaii cheaper than what you could easily find, and cheaper than I was /certainly/ paying back in California.

Grrrr, I’ve got my eye on the 65" of this =3=. Get below $700 darn you! (It’s tantalizingly $50 away ;-;.)

Grrrr, I’ve got my eye on the 65" of this =3=. Get below $700 darn you! (It’s tantalizingly $50 away ;-;.)