
“He also noted that “there’s a long story to this,” which he plans on sharing in the future.”

That’s one way to get a sub-2s pitstop...

I immediately connected this article in my mind with today’s previous Tesla Plaid fire article. This outcome is what happens after 120+ years of gasoline sales (and associated accidents) has created a robust infrastructure with multiple safety mechanisms that protect against catastrophe. A drunk driver crashing into a

What's the problem here? They didn't have stock available for everyone, so they chose a method that rewarded their customers and probably also cut down on scalping. They probably got more consoles in the hands of gamers who actually wanted them than went to people who just want to flip them. 

I’d stay away from “faster” as a goal with a new driver, but I like the idea of a car that the two of you can improve together.

Can I vote on not giving a new driver an overly quick car?

I hope you see where I’m going with both! To be fair, the other one could have been titled something like “Challenge Yourself Appropriately, You Cowards” :) 

I would personally like to invite those people to go play in rush-hour traffic! I guarantee if those people were in the same position they’d be absolutely 100% milking every bit of clout they have to bring attention to this issue. Some people just NEED to sow misery and drama from everything.

There is speech that is criminal in the United States already as well, so really not sure what you’re on about here.

Ooohhh, I get to make the first “I have never heard of the guy.” comment.

Stop giving awful people the attention they want. 

This article should totally have withheld linking to the “return” video.

A part of the problem I have with making this distinction so casually is that people are really bad at comparatively measuring risk.

This is only sort of related, but this is exactly the kind of thing I’ve always used an Amex Platinum or Chase Sapphire for- disputing charges. After even just a cursory attempt at resolution with a vendor, i’ve called Amex, told them what happened, they say sorry that happened to you, and immediately take the charge

I bet it is all the people using phones to take pictures that have prompted them to include the “smell of smoke” clause to keep ripping people off. Just like how cops have shifted to “I could smell beer/weed” to justify persecuting drivers in the age of dashcams and bodycams, because they can claim they can smell

I recently rented from budget, and it was remarkably bad.

Man, these things are amazing - a device I only recently discovered.

Notice they target the tall lifted vehicles for ease of extraction. 

I know we have had a back and forth over the last day or so (told ya I’d still read the articles. Fantastic job keeping me engaged all day!), but this is simply not how sailing works:

This is Jalopnik. This is what Jalopnik does.