
I’m not with you on that last thought. That wheel was spinning, and could have gone any direction. The truck on his right had him boxed, and who knows what vehicle was on his left. Hitting it straight-on is probably safer than hitting it at an angle. I’m not a motorcycle rider, but I suspect dodging that was a lot

Exactly, 2000 years ago Egypt was a Greek state, the Ptolemaic Dynasty, and not ruled by Pharoah.

As the text tells it, when Jews were living in ancient Egypt some 2,000 years ago, the ruler of Egypt

As Brian mentioned, they do seem to be trying. I’ll bet they’ll be putting out EVs based on stolen Tesla IP. In this case, there will be a silver lining, in terms of slowing down the world’s pace toward being uninhabitable.

The best part is they drive like a massive douche and then they always, ALWAYS, wind up parked at the same light as everyone they passed.

A lot of rednecks and hillbillies come to my city from out of town. One thing a lot of them have in common is a childlike impatience for city traffic. They hate sharing the road with other drivers, perilously tailgating everyone as they weave in and out of lanes in a beat up old pickup truck that certainly isn’t made

Those San Jose weirdos are actually driving around in Priuses, Teslas, and Subarus. At least pick an accurate stereotype.

One of the first environmental policies I ever got curious about as a kid came as a result of game shows.

The biggest problems we’re seeing with the new form is that people are Married Filing Jointly, but then not filling in their spouse wage info. I’ve had a lot of calls from people that didn’t have any withholdings and are now stuck with a tax bill.

That IRS checkup tool flat out sucks. I owe money this year, so I used that tool to figure out how much to withhold next year. It’s best estimate is I should hold DOUBLE what I owe this year. My income isn’t changing this year, so unless the tax rates are jumping massively in 2021, I’m going to end up paying almost

Constructive? Constructive would be this:

People need to remove their feelings from anything that isn’t personal to them alone.

A little background from someone who has been getting too into chess Youtube:
Bongcloud is basically a really bad move that Hikaru uses as white to force black to take the initiative, and then he will attempt to defend and hope that black makes a mistake he can punish.

The 12 Hours isn’t irrelevant. The simple fact that Europeans teams continue to come to it shows its relevance.

Anyone watching the rest of the LMP season knows how much these “carbon tubs” abuse sausage curbs and track limits. They aren’t dainty little things.  To call the racing “bad” is clearly someone who hasn’t

While im not against a repave, i think the arguement for it to be easier on cars is wrong.

99% of statistics are pulled out of someone’s ass. Private flying safety is on par with cars, or wildly better than cars, depending on whether measured by hour or by miles travelled. One per day is a whopping 365 per year. Big fucking deal.

Biden Bucks!!!

I heard smoked Teslas taste better.

I’ve been coming to Jalop since late 2007/early 2008. It was a great car site. Now it’s devolved to this: Erin doing about a post/article asking about our “traumatic” bus rides and telling us this is a “safe space” to tell our stories. Anyone who uses seriously the words “safe space” automatically loses me but

She recommends keeping three to five weeks of living expenses in your checking account, and at least three to six months in savings.