
How the shit was Zelda up for best music/score?

Based on the article it seems that it can be argued that the Persona IP was used to get patreon money by showing the progress in emulating that particular game.

There’s no problem with sticking with it, the problem is all of the whining from the Melee community about the rest of the world moving on and not supporting a 14 year old game.

N-word? What is the n-word? Wtf is the n-word???

melee players are strange ones.

You seem like someone who’s unfamiliar with both the Kleins and Matt Hoss. It’s as if you wrote this article because it’s one of the bigger stories on Reddit, YouTube, Twitter and other websites around the net and you know it’ll get you some hits because it has H3H3 winning their lawsuit in it.

And in terms of subscriber base, the H3H3 couple certainly comes off as a big bully.

Also, do you realize they haven’t raised any money? The gofundme was created by a fan not specifically for h3, but for a lawyer to use with ANY fair use copyright issues that will eventually arise in the future, for ANY content creator on YT.

Wait, are you actually taking Hosses side on this one?

So the fact that H3H3 has more fans makes them bullies? Would they be more morally acceptable if they put out a shitty product no one likes?

I know one person with an XONE.Everyone else I know with a current generation console went for the PS4.

Not in the slightest. The trailer did look terrible - all he can do is report on the information in front of him. If anything the people defending it (even claiming to like the style because of nostalgia) come out looking worse because clearly it’s not intentional.

Or, we could watch the video and see that it was only a couple second glance. A similar glance to one that likely millions of American’s did with the naked eye.

He looked for less than a second. Jesus Christ. You guys need something better to bitch about?

You’re all the morons. You can look at the sun during an eclipse, it’s just as dangerous as looking at it normally, or, no more dangerous. The only danger is looking at it for an abnormal amount of time. It’s not extra bad to look during the eclipse, use your fucking brains. Making me defend Trump and shit

Yo online scientist...it is no different than looking at the sun any other time. The warnings are because the brightness may seem less intense (since the moon is blocking some) leading people to look at the sun longer. Everyone glances at the sun every once in a while

I guess reading comprehension is low. Sony was saying it’s pointless to devote time to saying that they are pro indie because everyone already knows that. They are also saying it is pointless to show a rapid paced montage of games that nobody can glean any information from.

The Melee community really needs to get over themselves. No, Nintendo is not going to create tournaments or support a 15+ year old game they no longer make. No, Nintendo is not going to allocate a portion of their current manufacturing capabilities to create parts for a 15+ year old console. There’s so much work

Disagree my younger cousins can easily play pixel games like I mentioned but cannot play PSX games without complaining about the graphics. The issue is you can see where 3D graphics are now and then but Pixels are different enough to not invoke those thoughts.

> Demands Nintendo be more involved