
Haven’t owned them for that long yet but they’re great controllers, not without flaws. Sometimes I have a hard time syncing the controller to the switch but once it connects, it works very well. As long as you don’t connect it to anything else you won’t run into that problem. I use it for the PC too though. It always

It is small but it isn’t uncomfortable. I feel more comfortable using it compared to any of the Switch’s controllers. Also it’s impossible to be the most uncomfortable controllers ever as the single joycons takes that spot.

I have the NES30 Pro. Works on android/pc/switch. I’ve only tried it on pc and switch. For the Switch, most of the time the controller would sync to it with no problems. Other times it becomes a headache and the switch just doesn’t recognize it until many restart of the controller. Once it connects, it works

Smash pros are the biggest whiners ever.

I’m kind of bothered by the fact he skinned every single thing but the Joycon grips. Guess it was too hard from it being curved. I also don’t see how the decal will last on the buttons and stick. Really looks awesome though.

I was skeptical at first but after owning one, I could see the potential. I’m still have to say a little unsatisfied with it, mostly because of the controllers which many people have already listed valid points. I’m not going to complain about the lack in games because most consoles are always lacking in them at

The dock itself is expensive. The Switch is expensive. I find it pretty justified to question the durability/material of the device they spent good money for. How is this not realistic? No it’s not funny because it’s clearly a problem to some and was too late prevent it. You’re also here “moaning” about other people

Comparing one bad design to another bad design is always a good comparison. /s

Let’s charge 90$ and not spend a extra penny to cover the rails with something soft because it’s a really good design. Plastic on plastic is such a good idea and it’s very funny =)

“It didn’t happen to me so it can’t happen to you!” Pretty much sums up the blind defending something that clearly has issues. This wouldn’t be a conversation if it wasn’t. The dock is a junk of plastic. How in the right mind did they plan to sell this crap for 90$ without even a thought of putting a strip of cheap

For those who are interested in this laptop, it should be noted that this laptop uses an low voltage cpu and not the quad core HQ cpus. Also for that price, looking for a gtx 1050 laptop is probably a better idea. The 10s series GPU are a lot closer to their desktop counter parts compared to the gtx 9xx’Ms.

For those who are interested in this laptop, it should be noted that this laptop uses an low voltage cpu and not the

1,999$ just for a gtx 1050 2gb, not even a Ti version. The case itself must be extremely expensive and it doesn’t even seem “special” compared to other custom cases, IMO.

Didn’t even need a pokemon with defog. A flying/poison/steel type wouldn’t have gotten poisoned by the toxic spikes and could of spammed attacks for a crit to land to do a good amount of damage, ignoring stat buffs. Or a single pokemon that knows toxic. That being said, I wouldn’t consider that a sweep.

I feel as if many, if not most of these are wrong that made me reply for the first time in Kotaku. I honestly have to say this post shouldn’t of have been made without more research and/or gameplay.