
It’s amusing to me what people nitpick in this movie. Speaking to just this movie (and none of the other 21 movies with crazy, reality bending things), I accepted and enjoyed every piece of insanity that was on display.

Raptors played good defense, but missed an absurd number of open shots and Philly snagged an obscene number of defensive boards.

I’m sure being told you’re going to get to direct your first movie feels great. But, I wonder what it feels like to find out it’s also something that can’t be anything but terrible.

After thinking about this way too much, I realized now that the Night King was outmatched, which is why his death was so simple.

I don’t think it was a fluke though, but all part of Bran’s plan and manipulation of events ever since he became the 3-eyed Raven. People are really glossing over Bran’s influence in all of this, i.e. Deus ex Arya, ‘she took him out with a tiny dagger’. There are lots of claims that he did nothing. But he looked into

He’s alive, but I actually don’t know how he lived. I can accept that he got overwhelmed and saved a couple of times, but when Jon ran past that final time, to see all the main characters standing, Sam was buried in wights. I mean, ‘Dawn of the Dead’ buried, all over his legs and arms, with really only his screaming

Grey Worm practically did.

You mean fight fire with flying fire tankers?

I’ve been looking things up since I posted this, and according to an NY Times article, the saline drips can run from $500 to $800 for an adult...each.

Living in Canada here, and I am moderately curious what this would cost in the States, because it cost me $45 here. I had a bad run of stomach bugs over a 4 year period, where I popped into the emergency each time, because: free. Even one time, I had to take an ambulance because I was vomiting so much I actually

Pro-Life and Pro-Device Made Exclusively to Kill.

But I need my Guarana Antarctica with spicy foods! It pairs so well with spicy food!

Every day with Trump as POTUS feels like a Monday.

Every day is cake day when you’re a grown up and able to make your own poor eating decisions!

I only have one nitpicky question (super minor spoilers)

Well, if his bathroom credentials are anything like his clearance credentials, he doesn’t flush and pees on the seat.

You mean ‘Repugnantcan’t’.

This sentence makes way more sense if you change a just a few letters:

What we need is “Godzilla added for Scale” photoshop in there.

I love how they think that denying his involvement might save face. Either Trump was involved, which makes him a criminal, or he was completely oblivious to the actions of his highest ranking underlings, which would make him dangerously incompetent.